Pietro the Hulkbuster Part 5

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Pietro's POV

I was just waiting patiently for whatever this "Veronica" was to arrive when suddenly flying metal parts come flying at me. A face, arms and legs, and torso come flying towards me and attaching to my body. It didn't hurt, but it was nearly impossible to move because it was too small for me.

"Tony!" I screamed angrily, as the suit encased me. "How do you work this thing?!"

"Hello, Mr Maximoff," a voice I recognized as Friday said, "Welcome to the wonderful world of Stark Industries. May I assist you on how to use the Iron Man suit?"

"How do you fly?" I asked, trying to figure it out myself, when suddenly one hand repulsor went on and the other didn't. I flew sideways into a tree. I swore in Sokovian.

"I think you've already sort of figured it out, Mr Maximoff. Try flying again, this time using all four repulsors on your hands and feet." I tried again, and this time I slowly got myself untangled in branches and leaves, hovering above the tree now.

"This is Veronica?" I asked.

"No-oh wait, here comes Veronica now," Friday said, and huge metal parts started forming on the ground.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I said, staring in terror at the giant Iron Man suit forming in front of me.

"To enter Veronica, simply lock your feet into it. The head will case over yours like the suit you are wearing now did." With a sigh, I unevenly flew over to "Veronica," and when I was above the opening, I stopped hovering and screamed a little as I fell hard into the second suit.

"Having fun?" Natasha asked through comms.

"YOU OWE ME SO MUCH," I said, angrily.

"Your voice sounds hilarious in that weird metallic form," Clint said through comms as well.

"Why are you on comms?"

"Me, Steve, Sam, Thor, and Vision are on a mission in California, remember? How's it going in the Iron Man suit?"

"No, no, Clint, Pietro is wearing the Hulkbuster," Natasha said.

"What?" Steve asked, and I heard Clint cracking up.

"I don't like this," I said, and the head came over me and it was completely dark. Then the suit powered on, and I could see everything again. "Where's the Hulk?" Nobody responded, and suddenly-

"RJAISIFJEJAMZOOCJRMAMZOODMDWW!" The green monster screamed, making me scream a little from the jumpscare.

"HOW DO I USE THIS THING?!" I screamed like a little girl, and I heard Wanda laughing through the earpiece. "Please tell me you guys are fighting Attuma at least?"

"Oh, we are, do not worry Pietro," Wanda said, still giggling a little.

"Good," I said, punching the Hulk with a giant metal fist. "I feel sort of invincible in this suit. It's....much different." I used a repulsor to shot at Bruce. "How am I supposed to calm him down in this, though?"

"You aren't, you're supposed to knock him out," Natasha told me, and I heard her grunt in pain.

"You okay?" Wanda asked.

"Fine," Natasha said, "Look out, behind you."

"Thank you," Wanda said, and I heard some massive destruction coming from comms.

"Hey, what happened to the lullaby?" Steve asked.

"They, um, they don't work anymore," Natasha said, and before I could question what they were talking about, the Hulk ripped the head off the Hulkbuster suit leaving me with only the Iron Man mask to protect my face.

"Oh no," I said, "Head down! Head down!"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Thor asked.

"It means the Hulkbuster literally lost its head," I said, using both repulsors against Hulk, barely phasing him. Our fists hit each other, and something in my fist reacted by opening and trapping the Hulk's fist inside the suit. He struggled to get out. "Friday, what now?"

"Use radar to scan for signs of life. Once you find a barren area, you can drop the Hulk and hopefully it will knock him out cold, thus turning him back into Dr Banner."

"And if he doesn't get knocked out?" I ask.

"Then you'll just have to keep trying, I suppose." I sighed, and flew up high into the sky.

"Check for signs of life, Friday," I said, almost flying into a bunch of flying geese. One honked at me, flying back over to me and attempting to peck at my face. With his other hand, the Hulk took a goose and threw it at me, but it started flying away with the rest instead of colliding with my face.

"That stadium ahead has nobody in it or outside of it," Friday said.

"Excellent," I said, and I flipped myself head first and slammed myself and the Hulk to the ground.

At impact, basically both suits broke into a million pieces. I groaned, getting off the ground, and looking around in terror for the Hulk, but instead saw an unconscious Bruce Banner laying in the rubble. I sighed and lay back, relieved that was over.

"Bruce is back," I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Good job, Pietro. Go ahead and wake him up, and get back to the Quinjet. We've got Attuma captive, as well as another Atlantean who calls himself Man-Of-War. We're ready to go back to HQ." I winced getting up, in pain from the impact lf falling, but I don't think I broke anything except the suit and, you know, the entire stadium.

"Banner," I said, throwing a piece of the rubble at him gently, "Wake up, time to go back to the Quinjet." He opened his eyes.

"You-you figured out how to work the suit," he said, getting up shakily.

"It was nothing," I said, "Now, let's get out of here."

A/N: End of the Hulkbuster mini plot! Thanks for keeping the comments coming, I will try to get to all of them. Thank you also, demidionne for the idea! Hope you all liked it. Lol just imagine Pietro's voice in the Iron Man suit! Keep the comments coming!

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