Chapter 3

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I changed into the bathsuit and when I tell you it was giving.... It set good like a fi mi. I folded my clothes and placed them on a shelf in the bathroom for when I was finished. I was looking at myself in the mirror. I looked shapified. Did affi turn around and look pon mi batty as a Jamaican. It set good.
I stepped out and Shantel stepped out dressed as well. She took two towels from her closet and handed me one and I took up my phone and we went down to the pool with some snacks. The glass sliding door to the backyard was open. I admired the huge kitchen as I walked past. It was beautiful, Mommy would love it. We walked over to the pool chairs and sat down. I opened a Pringles caz I was a bit hungry. Shantel was just sipping Capri-sun. She wasn't talkative and neither was I so our vibe was just chill.

"Is your cousin who you live with?" I decided to ask since they were the only two here.

"No, she's just visiting. Mommy and Aunty Denise gone a Cayman to pick up something and come back"

That was the first time I heard her speak any form or Creole and it had to be her making it sound like a nuh plane ppl tek gaah Cayman. I was about to continue the conversation when Mikhail walked through the glass door. Her eyes were bloodshot and I could smell her cologne and it was mixed with weed. For the first time, weed smelled delicious. She walked over to us both hands in her pockets.

But Shantel didn't answer, I waved. Soon after Shantel got up and went over to the pool and went right in. "Come Ashanti" she said obviously not wanting me to converse with Mikhail. I looked at her and she was smirking at the whole exchange. I got up and went to put my feet in the water. It felt amazing so I just went right in before getting onto on one the floats. I looked back over to Mikhail but she was now laying down both hands behind her just watching me.
I blushed a little bit but decided on talking to Shantel instead. We were there bonding basically. We talked about school mostly. We were both friendless and chill. We'd make really good friends. We were talking when Shantel realized her phone was ringing and went to take the call. I left her to take her call privately. She came over to the pool after a couple minutes.
"I'm sorry but my mom and aunt will be coming soon so we're gonna have to go pick them up.Do you wanna come?"

"Sorry but I have to get home soon" i politely declined. First day, cyah too jumpy all if yuh spirit cool.

"Shantel you go and I'll take Ashanti home" Mikhail said grabbing my attention.


"You can manage the highway to go to Mobay but you know you can't manage to take her home the road is narrow at some points" she defended and it was a good point because Shantel sighed in defeat.

"Don't do anything dumb for once" she said before going to change I guess, I followed.

"Put the wet clothes on the shelf I'll take care of it when I get back" she told me before going into the guest bathroom.

I changed into my clothes leaving the clothes on the shelf along with towel I used to get dry. I came out and Shantel was waiting.
"If she touches you scream bloody murder and call me" she said seriously like she had had an issue with her before.

I went downstairs and made sure I had my phone and my bag before walking out. Shantel walked over to the Mercedes and we walked over to the X6. I told Shantel bye and she said to let her know when I was home safe and she took off and a faster speed than I expected for some reason. Neva know she a racer.

"Ready?" She asked and I looked at her realizing she looked less baked than before. I nodded and entered the passenger side.

We were about to go straight when she pulled over to Starbucks.

"Are you coming?" She asked inviting me and I did go. I was a bit hungry to be honest.

We stood in line together and she told me to order whatever I wanted. Mi have conscience but mi order wah mi sure mi coulda afford. I think. Just a simple drink and some stuff to eat. She paid for the order and we got served and left and it was back on the road.

I made a little snap of my cup and posted it on my private snap story. She looked so good driving and drinking from the straw.

"Can snap me too, save it for when you miss me later" she said all cocky.

"Don't be too confident, I won't even remember you soon"

"Just makes me wanna give you something you won't forget" her words held a promise that made me completely freeze and stop talking. Just had my stuff and enjoyed the ride home.

When we got to my gate I was about to hop out but I realized the door wouldn't budge. Did affi remind mi self seh a expensive car and mi cyah buy it back. I turned to her to ask her what's happening but her face was already an inch away from mine. She smirked at my shock and tilted her head to the side just looking me from that angle. She looked down my lips while I looked at hers. They were pink and looked soft and sweet like a fruit you could never get enough of. We both looked into each other's eyes and Shantel's words lingered in my mind. I'm a game to get. I smiled politely.

"Thanks for taking me home, Goodnight Mikhail"

She looked definitely surprised but nevertheless she opened the locks.

"Yh sure, Goodnight" she said and I heard the disappointment in her voice.

I climbed out and went through the gate but she didn't drive off until I closed the grill and went inside. I let my parents know I'm home safe and then went to my room. I sat around my desk and while processing all the events of the day I placed my head on my desk and released a distraught sigh.

Her scent still teases my nose because it's embedded in the car and so now faint on my skin. Her eyes, the way they paralyze me with one gaze. I'm attracted to a girl. Calm down, right, lots of naturally attractive women out there. I might just like how she looks. I've never liked a girl before so there is no reason to think I'm gay right. Was she seriously trying to kiss me before I left the car, a the Starbucks weh she pay fah give har dah strength deh? No wonder Shantel seemed to not trust her, she goodly look nice and get nuff girl suh she just, whorish. Man or woman two a them a the same thing. I just rolled my eyes and got up and took a comfort shower. Good thing I won't see her again.

Mikhail's P.O.V

Every thought starts different but all lead to her. I probably should get some more food, wonder if she knows she didn't eat much today and should too? Shantel will be here soon but she was upset that I was attracted to her friend, is she so pretty she made Shantel into girls? I decided to check my mirror and I remembered that we made eye contact through this very mirror. I need to see her again.

I can't get over her presence. It calmed me. Her attitude and sweetness. Her body was a solid 10 too. Seeing her in those jeans was good but the bikini was a gift from God. Her face held no flaws as well, she was beautiful. I want her. I have a bad track record with relationships but she's been on my mind since the first glimpse. I got high and all I wanted to do was take her to the guest room and devour her. Wonder how old she is?

I got back without even realizing because I was in such deep thought. They were already here, Shantel fucked up the the highway and that's expected. She doesn't even have a license. Drives like a taxi man.

"Where are you coming from?" Mom asked.

"Dropped off Shantel's friend"

We all went inside and were talking about a bunch of things but I was in another world thinking about Ashanti and how good she'd look riding my ........

Best to go have a smoke. Not about to let a minor run through my mind all night.

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