• Chapter Twenty •

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By some miracle, I've made it back down the mountain in one piece. Sora and I are both exhausted. My body still feels drained from yesterday. I don't tell Bakugou that. The bus ride back is a blur, I vaguely remember Bakugou forcing me to drink some water. When we arrive back at my apartment, Bakugou's farewell is quick, awkward, and completely out of character.

He speaks unusually quiet, seeming to lack the confidence he normally speaks with. He mumbles out a quick thank you for hiking with him.

I fold my hands in front of me, "I should be thanking you. I've never gone hiking before, so thanks for introducing me. Even if I couldn't see the view, it was fun."

"Tch, yeah, whatever. I'll leave you to deal with that police officer. I'll see you tomorrow."

"How unfortunate." I raise an eyebrow, "It seems you can't get rid of me, Katsuki Bakugou." The boy mutters something under his breath before walking away. Weird.

I walk inside to freshen up before the officer shows up. Before leaving the indoor mat by the door, I check Sora's paws for mud. A little grimy, but no mud. I'll give him a bath tonight. I run a comb through my hair and change my dusty hiking clothes.

I hate police officers. I shouldn't, considering I'm training to be a hero, which means I'll be working alongside them. But I can't help but feel uneasy around cops. It always seems like they're closely watching my every move, just waiting for me to do something wrong so they can throw me into jail where I technically belong.

A firm knock raps on my door, causing my quirk to buzz under my skin, sensing my distress. I take a deep breath. It's just a police officer. A hard-working citizen working towards the same goal as my heroic peers. I reluctantly open my door, fighting to keep my hands steady.

"Hello, officer." I say stiffly, opening the door to let him inside.

"Hello, Miss Himiko. How are you recovering from yesterday's attack?"

I shrug, "I'm fine. I've dealt with a lot worse."

"Yes." He speaks solemnly, "I read your file."

"Would—" I carefully close the door behind him, "Would you uh—would you like some tea?"

He clears his throat, "That won't be necessary, let's just focus on this interview."

"You mean interrogation." I bite my lip. I shouldn't have said that.

"I understand that you signed a form agreeing to this meeting, with complete compliance?"

"Yes, sir." I say quietly, my stomach churning.

"Let's take a seat in the kitchen, shall we?" He speaks icily, making my blood run cold. His entire aura is menacing and accusatory. I nod slowly, shuffling to sit on a stool in the kitchen. The officer slides something forward across the counter, "Please take this medicine. It will temporarily deactivate your quirk."

I frown, "I already said I would comply. Is this necessary?"

"It's just an extra safety precaution Miss Himiko, seeing as it's already a risk to hold this interview in your own home and not the police station."

"Fine." I scoff, growing irritated. I take the medicine with a grimace. Just like that, I become truly blind. The buzz of my quirk dies. I can't feel the energy or aura coming from the man in front of me. I can't sense any energy anywhere, like I've been plunged into a cold, empty void. The only signs that I'm not existing in an emptiness is the sound of the officer's breathing and the smell of cigarettes and coffee on his breath.

"Right. Just so you know, I'll be recording this entire interview." He exhales deeply, puffing hot, cigarette and coffee breath in my face, "Let's cut to the chase. Did you have any knowledge of yesterday's attack?"

"No, sir. I was just as surprised as everyone else."

"And have you ever associated with this new organization—the League of Villains?"

"It wasn't called the League of Villains at the time, but yes, I've met certain members of the group that were present yesterday."

"Can you please name all the villains that you'd met before yesterday?" There's a click of a pen, followed by scratching on paper.

"I almost immediately recognized Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki. Outside of them, I wasn't aware that I knew anyone else in that attack."

"And what is your past connection with Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki?"

I anxiously tap my fingers on my leg, "That's um—that's technically classified information. I'm not supposed to say anything about that unless you have a signed document or verbal confirmation that allows you access to that information."

"Listen, kid, I don't have time for you to be a smartass. If you were involved in this attack in any way, it's better that you just confess right now." He speaks so confidently, so patronizingly. My blood boils. I find myself straightening in my chair.

"I was never involved in yesterday's attack." It takes everything in me not to spit in the man's face, "My involvement with villains has always been forced. I will not be giving you any classified information unless you have verification, but I will tell you this—" I lower my voice barely above a growl, "Tomura Shigaraki is a dangerous man. And if you want to defeat him, you're going to need me. Because the weak ass police force isn't going to be able to do shit without the pro heroes." My quirk buzzes back to life, overcoming the nullifying medication, "Also, most quirk nullifiers don't work on me. After all..." I laugh coldly, "...I was the one that helped develop them."

The aura of the man in front of me changes. I sense...fear. I hear him shuffle nervously in front of me, the sound of his hands unclasping his gun from his belt. I click my tongue, "Careful. Do you really want to get that out? I've done nothing." I smile, "Besides. I already told you. You need me."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No." I feel my posture relax. I'm the one in control of the situation now. I cross my legs, leaning casually against the counter. A chuckle rumbles in the back of my throat, "Why? Do you feel threatened, officer?"

"Were you responsible for the information leak that led to the attack?"

I nearly burst out laughing. My lips tug into an amused smirk, "I wasn't. And even if I was, do you really think I would openly just admit that? If there is a mole, they're not going to honestly answer that question. They'd have to be an idiot. Almost as much of an idiot as the one asking that question and expecting a genuine answer." I raise an eyebrow at the officer, who grows quiet.

"Regardless whether you admit anything or not, there's something off about you." He sneers, "Make one move and I swear I'll shoot you."

I shake my head, "Careful, officer. You know I'm property of the pro hero Endeavor. His adopted daughter, technically speaking. Though I suppose you should already know that, if you did in fact read my file, which I suspect you didn't."

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"I'm just following your lead, sir. You doubt what I say, I doubt what you say. I suppose we lack some basic trust, hm?" I flash a smile, "Are you really going to shoot the adopted daughter of the number two hero? Without any proof that she's done anything wrong? If my dear adopted father were to decide to publicize that information, your life would be over."

Satisfaction ripples through me. I may hate my adopted father for ignoring me, but in situations like this, it is endlessly amusing to drop his name and watch people like this officer squirm.

"Oi! Don't think I won't—"

I sigh, "We may not trust each other, but..."

My smile turns into a full grin, "I trust you won't shoot me. I trust that you didn't read my file. And I trust that you weren't sent by the police. So how about I ask you a question...who are you?"

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