Prologue \\ Ancient

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Planet: Copper 9 // 22:23pm 

On a planet far far away, in an entirely different solar system, an employee walks through a warehouse filled with containers carrying resources and equipment sent by the company he works for, JCJenson (IN SPAAACCCEEE!!!). The minimum wage worker checked off each container and their contents on a small tablet branded with 'JCJ' on the back.

Now this job should be done by worker drones, ya know... The short robots that were made to be free labour. But noooo... The company decided this one specific job should be done by a human worker in a dusty warehouse filled with thousands of shipping containers, just because they enjoy seeing their employees suffer for shits and giggles!




Fucking JCJenson...

The employee sluggishly walks up to every single shipping container, reading aloud their designation before ticking a box off. Every single container, in a warehouse that can house thousands of them. Done by a human. One. By. One.

"Drillers check... Oil Pumps check... 200 bottles of lube..."

Slowly cutting himself off the employee, who shall be named Bob, saw something out of place in this dull warehouse. An object, that was in fact, SO out of place that it made Bob freeze in shock at it.













A wooden crate.

It sat just around the corner of the last container in the twelfth row, where the lights above couldn't reach. Hiding behind the more common plastic shipping containers that are used in today's society. I mean wood was mainly used for construction. Only rich people who would want a mansion or table could buy it. In fact, it was so common for the rich to buy wood that a law was passed on, only allowing people within a certain economic class to legally be able to purchase wood and any product made of wood. It was a dumb law but whatever.

But... Why make a crate?

Bob wasn't sure how it got there. Which surprised him considering he was one of the few people given access to the purchase history of the company, at least in this sector. So how did some little wooden crate manage to sneak right in under everyone's noses. But no matter what, he was going to find out what's inside of it. After all, it is his job to check all the containers and their contents within this warehouse and report them.

Setting the tablet on a nearby shelf, Bob lightly jogged over to the dimly lit crate. Gripping the sides, he drags it into the lights where all of it's dusty glory can be seen. And WOW was it dusty, each side covered with an inch of dust at least , almost acting like a gray sheet.

Taking in a deep breath, Bob blew the dust off the top of the crate. Regrettably, the dust went everywhere. He coughed and coughed at the amount of dust filling the air, some landing on his eye making them sting. After a solid minute of trying to wave the dust away, it finally spread out and away from him. Turning back to the crate, Bob took in every little detail about the mystery box as he wiped his hands with a now dirty rag.

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