Extra: Aftermath

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After ruining a revenge by killing a russian girl, Revenant stalked around looking for anything exciting. But there was nothing to do, and those toasters don't really scream. They yell in fear, sure, but none of them scream like their life is flashing before their eyes, or it they truely understand the danger in front of them. It bore him.

So Revenant was once again sitting in the same old chair as before, Ash was still fixing whatever the hell was wrong with Pathfinder's memory. He had nothing to do except sit and wait.


Almost nothing.

Revenant let out a ghastly chuckle, "Now why would I go and do that..?" Revenant said, looking above.

There above was Khan Doorman, duct taped to the ceiling in a sort of cocoon. He'd been yelling for a while since Revenant return and duct taped him out of boredom, safe to say his boredom has lessened from the elderly drones constant yelling and reactions. It was mildely intertaining watching their reactions, the occasional poke and prod.

A small ding ringed through the home, turning Revenants attention away the struggling Khan and to a now awaking Ash, and a hopefully fixed Pathfinder. Ash's eyes lit up, a while later an uncomfortable groan escaped.

Her joints have grown stiff in the short time she was "asleep" due to the cold of the household. Revenant knew that feeling, waking up with your joints refusing to move exactly how you want, your limbs feeling like dead weight.

"Quit being dramatic and tell me if the dumbass is fine" Revenant demanded, getting up from his spot and towards Ash. Ash shook her head trying to regain some control, reaching to Pathfinder to disconnect from them. 

"His memory was staggered in the year 2736, he is fixed now.." Ash said, now standing up with Revenant who was now leaning against the wall. 2736, the time they were in the blood sport that was famous across planets, the Apex Games.

"Anything else?" Revenant said, giving Ash a small side eye. 

Ash looked at Revenant, "An update to his systems and removal of his limiters. Being worried about him is unlike you." Ash added, turning towards her fellow simulacrum.

Revenant scoffed, crossing his arms before trying to change the subject, "Killed a russian tin can." It was not very effective...

Ash gave no signs of acknowledgement of his words, no need to. She simply sat down and unsheathed her blade, inspecting it. It was, and always will be, in perfect condition. 

Ash glanced to her side and at Khan who had finally given up on trying to call for help, he let out a sigh which almost blew off his mustache. Ash turned back to Revenant, "And where is the other one?"

Revenant shrugged, "Supposedly, they're going through the room of the drone I turned to scrap." Revenant answered, flexing his hand into a sharp point. Ash believed there was no point in continuing this conversation so she remain quiet, but Revenant wanted to know something.

"What now?"

Ash stopped examaining the edge of her blade, "Elaborate."

Revenant huffed and kicked off the wall, "What do we do now. Stay on this little rock, or leave and give a visit to that skinbag." Revenant said. "There's no point in staying any longer here, but there's plenty of reasons to go." He continued, sitting on the chair adjacent to hers.

"Fine." Ash answered without hesitating or looking away from her blade, now continuing her examinations on it. Revenant gave a 'hmm' of content, happy with the answer he got, but he expected as much. All about efficiency with her, always wanting to do someone perfectly. And if there was no reason to do something, be somewhere, or talk to someone, then she wouldn't. The only real reason would be Pathfinder, but this wasn't their first time leaving him behind. Besides, he would be fine here, probably. 

The only issue they have now was how they could get off this rock. 

They certainly weren't going to communicate with the person that hired them since they got their teleporter from them, and that went to shit. Besides, the useless skinbags that hired them for their last hit were just that, useless. 

All gear they provivded, useless. People they offered to assited them, useless. They only thing they got right was information and that was only the general location of the targets they wanted silenced.

Perhaps they could make their own teleporter, or at least a slow moving space worthy vessal that could leave this planets atmosphere. Slow moving because from what Pathfinder said before Ash knocked him out, was that the planet was a wasteland of ice with skeletal remains all around.

Their thoughts were interuppted when the front door was opened with a voice coming from it. 

"Ugghhh, finally home..." 

They knew the voice, it was that purple drone that Pathfinder had adopted. Ash and Revenant glanced at each other, they would continue their talk later.

Uzi was running on a low battery with how much shit has happened, and that choker she took from Doll definitelyhas something to do the Absolute Solver. But she needs sleep.

Uzi walked with a hunch and bags under her eyes, not even batting an eye to the two sitting down, but instead, her gaze drifted upwards.

"Dad?" Uzi said, confusion evident in her voice at the stupid sight above her. This earned a chuckle from Revenant while also drawing Ash's sight up to where Uzi was looking at-

"You duct taped her father to the roof..."

"I did." Revenant stated, rather proud that he did.

Uzi was just tired, and now confused. She had just learnt that Doll was still alive, despite the gaping hole in her head that Revenant made, and the disturbing fact that she might have the same powers as her. 

But now her dad was taped above her in a cocoon???

Mean while Khan has just noticed Uzi's presence's, "Uzi... Could you get a ladder and get me down from here, please? I think all my oil has rushed to my head..." Khan's voice sounded just as tired as Uzi's.

Uzi stared blankly at him before sighing and complying with his request. She hates him sure, but who knows how long the poor bastard has been hanging there for. He almost looks dead, probably from all the oil rushing to his head.

While all of this was happening, Pathfinder was still "unconscious" and letting all the updates finalize themsleves. There were quite alot of reworks made to his systems and equipment, one being the ability of now being able to control his grappling hook with more precision. Such as going to the full length that it can shoot to, how much force he can use to launch it, how fast it reels him in, etc.

[Download finished: Stabilizing]

Yellow, bellow, mellow and other words that sorta rhyme with hello.

I know, this chapter is short with it being just a little over 1100-ish words but I kinda just wanted to get this out just cuz why not.

Doll is alive, woohoo?

I still don't really know where I'm going with this book I might even go back on my words and follow through with following with episode 5 and 6, of course with major changes. Not sure but, eh, it'll work out fine.

So, cya later friends

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