Chapter 2

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We both pulled away panting. Harry unfastened my hands from his strong hold. Then he silently untangled his legs from my waist and rolled off of me onto the pillow beside me.

I sat up then slithered out of bed and waddled down the stairs with Harry's arms around my waist. I suddenly felt moisture on my neck. I brought my hand up to touch it. Guess what it was Harry's tongue and his lips.

"Harry stop before my parents see us." I whisper shouted trying to get his massive arms from around my waist.

It was no use. "Harrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy." I yelled. "You sound sexy when you do that." he whispered in my ear.

"Please can you stop?" I pleaded. "No can do, babe." he protested. I could practically here the teasing in his voice.

So I did something my brother taught me .I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed with all I had. Harry wasn't buying it he grabbed my waist and swung me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing.

I pounded fiercely on his back "Put me down! Now!" I squealed. He just ignored me and continued to walk, suddenly I was thrown onto the sofa in the living room.

I knew what he was going to do: TICKLE ME!! "No. No. No. Please no tickling! Pleaseeee." I laughed as he prepared his hands for the attack.

He pounced on me and lifted my shirt. I pulled it back down. "No. I know exactly what youre trying to do." I pointed out.

"Crap!" he chuckled. "You cheeky little bastard!" I laughed trying to crawl from underneath him. He pushed me back down. "If you give me a kiss I'll let you go." he smiled showing off his bright teeth.

"Nope." I stated crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine then. Ill take it from you." he responded grabbing the sides of my face and lifting my head up off of the couch.

I let him kiss me for only about a millisecond before I climbed from underneath him and wandered back into the kitchen to finish making breakfast. Making sure my shirt was pulled down to my thighs. I didnt want him seeing my undies.

I felt his presence behind me as I flipped the pancakes into the air. I looked over my shoulder at him he was just standing there staring at me. "What?!" I chuckled at him.

"I hope you realize sooner or later I'm going to get you back. Just so you know, babe." he told me leaning against the countertop gazing down at me. I bit my lip curiously.

I was a bit scared and excited about what he said to me. I hope it wasn't what I thought it was.

Once I finished with the pancakes I walked over to the cabinet and got a plate and a fork. Being sure I didn't forget the maple syrup.

I walked over to the counter, got on it and sat down with my legs dangling off of the side. I popped open the cap to the syrup and drizzled a lot of it on my pancakes drenching them fully.

Harry walked over to me and stood in front of me with his mouth open signaling me to feed him. I cut off a piece and fed it to him with my hand under his mouth so he wouldn't drop anything on the polished hardwood floor.

We took turns feeding each other and soon we were both full and the plate was raked clean. "I'm so fuulll." I slurred.

"Want me to carry you princess?" Harry asked. "Yes please." he turned around and I wrapped my legs around his back and my arms around his neck. He grabbed onto the back of my knees and carried me upstairs.

Once we reached my room he dropped me down onto my bed. We both climbed underneath my damask covers and fell asleep

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