Part 51: "Join Me"

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"Happy fucking! -Lizzie," Josie reads the note aloud before scoffing and tossing it back down on the dresser in their bedroom. She had already struggled to control her blushing when she had to walk by the dining room table that Hope had her laid across earlier.

Hope laughs softly as she removes her suit jacket, "Sounds like Lizzie." She tilts her head as she watches the brunette sigh heavily, tears still threatening to stain her cheeks after their encounter with her father.

Josie holds her elbows, hugging herself as her eyes trace over a framed photograph of herself, Lizzie, and their mom.

Her mom would be so ashamed of the way their father is treating them now. She wonders what kind of guidance Caroline might offer to them now, if she were still alive.

She snaps out of her thoughts as her wife approaches her from behind, wrapping her arms securely around her and leaving a kiss to her temple, "She'd be proud of you, Jo."

Josie's heart flutters at her words. The Tribrid truly has no idea just how badly she needed to hear those words. She turns herself around in Hope's arms, wrapping her arms around her waist as Hope reaches up to cup her neck, her thumb grazing softly against her jaw.

Hope utters truthfully, "I'm proud of you."

A few tears finally escape Josie's eyes, though for a different reason than before. Hope gently wipes them away with her thumb. And all she wants to do, is see Josie's smile again.

"Want me to go back and kick his ass for you?" She half-jokes. And it actually manages to get the brunette to chuckle softly.

Josie shakes her head, smile on her face as she reaches for Hope's tie, loosening the knot, "As much as I know you would love to do that—"

Hope grins, because it's true, but also because of that smile, "I would, very much—"

"I'd rather kick his ass in court, and take back everything he's tried to steal from Lizzie and me," Josie says while removing Hope's tie and tossing it to the side, making the auburnette smile softly at how wifelike she's being.

As Josie begins unbuttoning the top couple of buttons on her dress shirt, Hope glides her hands up and down along Josie's sides over the material of her dress, humming in response to Josie's previous statement.

Josie let's out a soft sigh, "I think I'm gonna take a bath before bed."

Hope nods, "I'll start the water for you, love." Hope leaves a kiss to Josie's cheek before making her way into the bathroom, leaving Josie in the bedroom with that fluttering feeling returning in the pit of her stomach yet again.

She's not sure why. It's just a kiss. Just a bath.

She thinks that maybe it's just because she's super emotional tonight. That's all it is.

She lets out a small sigh before making her way into the bathroom, just as Hope is finishing up the water. Then the Tribrid makes her way behind Josie, tugging the zipper of her dress down for her, "I've got the bubbles and the bath salts just how you like them. I'll be right out here when you're done."

Hope is nearly out of the bathroom door before Josie catches her hand, keeping her in place, "Wait."

Hope pauses, concern written in her expression, "Yeah?"

"I don't really want to be alone right now, so...can you stay with me?"

Hope immediately agrees, "Of course, love."

"Thank you," Josie gives her a weary smile before Hope turns, heading toward the small bench seat in the bathroom. And Josie contemplates a thought, "Actually..."

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