Part 34: "Hold Your Breath"

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Double update: I promised you all some answers, so here you go...


"Morning, Jo," Lizzie greets hesitantly, making her way into the kitchen as her sister sits, drinking a cup of coffee.

Josie turns toward her, surprised. It's been a couple of days since their fight.

They haven't spoken a word to each other. And even Hope has been more distant, still slipping out each morning before daylight, returning after a 'swim' in the ocean. And Josie's been beating herself up about it, knowing she's the one who pushed both of them too hard.

"Good morning," Josie replies.

Lizzie awkwardly makes her way into the kitchen and grabs a mug, pouring herself a cup of coffee before turning around to face the brunette, "Uh, so where's Hope?"

"Down at the dock again," Josie says simply. She wonders what's on her sister's mind.

Maybe Hope's prediction about Lizzie talking when she's ready has finally proven to be true.

Lizzie hesitantly continues after a nod, "Listen, there's something I need to tell you."

Josie raises an eyebrow, setting her mug down to give her twin sister her full attention.

Lizzie sighs, "Remember the break-in the other night?"

Josie nods, "Yeah. Lizzie, the cops are going to find the guy who did it—"

"I know who did it," Lizzie mumbles, and Josie only looks at her confused, "And it's my fault," Lizzie adds.

Josie shakes her head, "What do you mean? How could that possibly be your fault?"

Lizzie looks down, "There's this guy, Landon...He was my dealer, before I got put into rehab...I still owe him some money..."

Josie furrows her eyebrows at her blonde twin, "Wait, how much money are we talking about, Lizzie? Is it a lot?"


Josie's eyes widen at that. She runs a hand through her hair anxiously as Lizzie looks up at her. She doesn't want to freak out, because then Lizzie will freak out even more, and that won't do them any good.

Josie let's out a long breath, "Okay, um—Well, maybe we can talk to Hope and see—"

Lizzie shakes her head frantically, "No, Hope cannot know about this, Jo."

"Why not? She's my wife, Lizzie, and she has money she could loan us to take care of—"

"I don't want her to have to do that, Jo. It my fault her house was broken in to. And Landon has evidence that your marriage isn't real. Hope would freak out. She's gonna hate me—"

"He has what?!" Josie asks panicked.

And Lizzie freezes, "Did I not mention that part before?"

Josie shakes her head, putting her face into her hands.

She let's out a sigh, rubbing her temples, "You're right, we can't tell Hope. We'll..figure something else out. We'll handle it on our own."

"He's only giving me until tomorrow, Jo..."

There's no way Josie could pay all of that money in one day. Her access to her inheritance hasn't been confirmed yet, since her marriage is still very new.

"Then we'll just have to hope that whatever we can pay by tomorrow will be enough to suffice until we can pay the rest."


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