Alpha's Warmth

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At the lane beside the café...

Chay suddenly turned back as he felt someone's gaze lingering on him. As soon as he turned around, their gazes locked. Kim did not look away nor did Chay. Kim's omega leaped inside him with an unrecognizable feeling.

Stupid omega.

It did not took much time for Kim to realise Chay's rank.


Chay quickly turned away catching his breath. His face was completely red. What the hell was Wik doing here! And why was he looking at Chay like that? The poor boy literally got a heart attack.

After taking a deep breath, Chay decided to look back again, but this time there was no one. Chay frowned. He could swear on his life that he saw Wik sitting there just a moment ago. He could not be that wrong about his favourite idol.

"Looks like they adore you..." A voice suddenly startled him and Chay stumbled and fell backwards.

"Careful..." The same voice said again. Chay slowly looked upwards to find Kim frowning at him, "You alright?"

"P'Wik..." Chay breathed out.

Kim looked at Chay weirdly for a moment before realising. He forgot that he had another identity. Wik. Free willed, talented, warm and pure. Kim quickly shifted into character giving Chay his fakest and warmest smile. He forwarded his hand to help the boy.

Chay hesitated a bit before taking his hand and getting up. The kittens immediately cuddled to Chay's lap again. Kim chuckled.

"They really adore you..." Kim said looking at the little fluff balls.

(The left one is Sun, middle one is Moon and right one is Love)

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(The left one is Sun, middle one is Moon and right one is Love)

Chay looked at the kittens cuddled comfortably in his lap and rubbing their faces on Chay's shirt. Chay smiled widely.

"Aren't they cute?" Chay said, "Someone left them here a month ago. From then I come to feed them here everyday"

"That's very kind of you" Kim said still smiling. God his jaws were hurting from the fake smiles.

Chay shook his head a little and stood up. The kittens started to play among themselves chasing each other. Chay and Kim were nearly the same height. Kim observed the boy whose body was a little more developed than Kim's slightly feminine one.

Alpha. Kim reminded himself. He had to be more careful with this boy.

Chay finally looked at Kim, his cheeks a little red, "Well....I never expected to meet you this P'Wik..."

Kim flashed his teeth and laughed, a throaty laughter, with a hint of seductiveness which could bring every alpha to their knees by now, drooling over him, "I like the taste of the cappuccino of this café"

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