Heat 2

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At Chay's house...

"P'Kim..." The soft voice of the alpha startled him.

Kim looked up from behind his lashes. Chay was standing in front of the door with packets of food in his hands. Kim was on the floor panting and gasping for air, his whole body sweaty and itchy.

"P'Kim..." Chay stepped a bit closer and Kim hissed.

"Back!" Kim growled, "Stay away..."

Chay immediately stopped. Kim let out another whimper when he felt his cock twitch in his pants. His throat felt dry and it was difficult to even talk.

Chay's alpha growled inside him, it was surfacing outside. Looking at the whimpering Kim at the ground made him feel something he cannot describe. He wanted to go and hug him, to assure him that everything was fine. His alpha instincts were taking the better of him.

Chay quickly shook his head, "P'Kim...are you alright?"

"I said fucking stay away" Kim hissed.

It did not take much time for Chay to understand what was happening. He quickly stepped back and ran upstairs before coming down again with a packet of pills in his hand.

He took a glass of water and took a step towards Kim, "P'Kim...these are some suppressants. I don't know which brand you use, but these might help"

It took much self control of Chay to get out those words without pouncing on Kim right then and there. The room was filled with omega pheromones, hot chocolate and caramel, mint and strawberries.

Kim looked up at him with what Chay thought as a suspicious look. Kim's face was contorted from the discomfort, which he tried to hide with an aggressive look.

Porsche and Porchay both were alphas, then how did Chay have heat suppressants?

"It's one of my friend's" Chay said, understanding Kim's concern, "She was to have her heat soon so she was carrying these suppressants. She forgot them here when she left. She is having her heat right now so I could not give them back to her"

Chay's explanation made Kim accept the pills. Anyways he did not have any other choice. Right now Kim needs to trust Chay. If the alpha dares to do something stupid, then he's gonna kill him. Kim may be on his heat, but his killer instincts are still intact.

Kim took the pill and gulped it with the water.

"P'Kim..." Chay said, "I think you should go to a room. Let me take you to the guest room..."

"I-I can walk.." Kim growled again since talking was hard.

He tried to get on his feet only to fall down once again. Kim growled in frustration. Till now Chay was standing in a good distance, trying to give Kim space. But when he saw Kim fall down, he was by his side in an instant.

Kim shuddered at Chay's touch, his mind and body on high alert. His body felt on fire wherever the alpha touched. Kim's mind was going hazy while his omega only screamed inside him...




Kim had never felt like this for an alpha before, neither had his omega. It was as though he desired the touch of this alpha, even though the mere thought of an alpha touching him makes him nauseous.

When Chay saw Kim frozen he slowly picked him up in his arms in bridal style. Kim was slightly more bulkier than him with strong muscles, even though Chay was taller.

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