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At Chay's house...

Chay shifted a little in his sleep. He was laying on something soft. He cuddled more to it and smiled in his sleep. He could feel that he's releasing happy pheromones, the scent of strawberry and orchids, so sweet. His pillow was so soft so comforting, so-


Chay slowly opened his eyes. The light hurted his eyes and he blinked for a few times before he could finally see where he was.

The first thing that caught his eyes were leather pants. Brown, shiny and tight. His heart hammered in his chest and he could feel his mind being clouded. He was in a panic mode. He did not wanted to look up and he knew that his cheeks were red from embarrassment.

Slowly he turned his eyes upwards only to find Kim looking down at him, resting hand on the headrest of the sofa. He could see Kim breathing extremely slow and clutching the sofa tightly. It's only then that Chay noticed, the room was filled with his pheromones.

Strawberries and chocolate, orchids and honey, sweet and refreshing, which was quickly changing to sour grapes and bitter cocoa. Chay was in a panic mode. He quickly got up from Kim's thighs which served him as a soft pillow for the whole night.

Now he was sitting on the sofa looking at Kim embarrassed and regretful. His cheeks tomato red and eyelashes fluttering uneasily. His hair disheveled and falling on his brown eyes, he was trying to control his pheromones which were out of his control.

He did not wanted to make the singer more uncomfortable than he already was, "P-P'Wik..."

Chay could not look at Kim in the eyes. He could feel what he had done, he just rubbed himself to Kim in his sleep. The singer was now smelling like the alpha. This is not correct. This cannot be done to anyone without their consent. Even if Chay did it unconsciously, it was still wrong and he was ashamed of himself.

"I'm-I'm sorry P-Wik....I d-didn't mean to..." Chay stuttered.

Kim relaxed a bit and sighed, "It's ok, don't worry"

Of course it was not ok. Kim's skin was burning, he needed the alpha to ease him, to gently hold him and soothe him. And it was all because of the alpha who had by mistake rubbed himself all over the omega.

Kim knew Chay was feeling the exact thing as him. He knew that the alpha too needed to be soothed from the discomfort he was feeling. He could see Chay controlling his pheromones as the smell of sour grapes was decreasing. But still the room was suffocating from all the pheromones that was already present in it.

"Porchay" Kim said, his voice sweeter than usual, "It's ok, come here, let me help you"

Chay quickly shook his head and took a few steps back. Why does Kim's voice sound like that? It too sweet, but it made his skin crawl, like there was some kind of venom in it.

"N-no P'Wik..." Chay whimpered, "I'm fine..."

"Little pup" Kim whispered, "Stop your game and come here, let me help you"

Kim's sickeningly sweet voice hurted Chay's ears. Chay was innocent, not naive. He could understand the fakeness in the singer's voice. Kim was trying to seduce him, Chay could smell danger, Kim was the danger. Yet Chay couldn't back off.

"No" Chay whispered, "Thanks for asking, I can take care of myself. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable"

Rejecting an omega meant hurting it's pride. Kim's omega roared in displeasure, no alpha dared to reject him.

Shut the fuck up!

Kim closed his eyes and locked up the bitch. He sighed softly before opening his eyes. He looked at the small alpha standing a mere few feet away from him. If he wanted, he could take out his knife and easily slit his throat. The boy, despite being an alpha was an easy target.

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