Omega's Choice

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At Chay's house...

"Fuck me..." Kim's seductive voice floated into Chay's ear, clouding his mind. His face was completely red as he looked up at the older with his wide doe eyes. His hands were on Kim's thighs since he had lost control and stumbled on top of him when Kim had pulled him.

He looked into Kim's dark eyes and gulped. What was he saying? What did he mean? Chay was confused, nervous and also a bit scared. Kim's grip on his arm hurted him. He could see the red tinge on Kim's cheeks and a layer of sweat on his whole body, probably from his heat.

"W-what?" Chay croaked out. His mouth felt like dry sandpaper, his voice refused to come out.

"You didn't hear?" Kim said in a sweet voice. Sickly sweet, making Chay's skin crawl. Kim bent down, his face nearly touching Chay's, "Isn't that what you want?"

That's not an omega voice. It wasn't his heat. Chay wasn't a fool. But what he couldn't understand was why Kim was doing this. Chay quickly pushed away and crawled back. Kim was stunned by the sudden action.

"I-I think you were mistaken about my intentions P'Kim" Chay tried to say calmly but his voice was anxious, "I have no intention of... Doing something like that"

Kim breathed heavily. The alpha pheromones in the air was making his body excessively hot. He couldn't control the slight shivers now and then. He clenched his fists. His omega was furious too.

He's rejecting you Kimhan. Again!

Kim closed his eyes trying to even his breath, but his heart was beating really fast. He was feeling hot and uncomfortable.

Get him Kimhan. Get him.

"Shut up!" Kim snapped.

Chay flinched at the sudden outburst, "H-huh?"

Kim quickly opened his eyes and glared, "Nothing!"

Chay took a deep breath and stepped back, "I'll leave you then. Call me if you need anything"

"Wait" Kim said as he saw Chay walking away. Chay stopped and looked back, "I will be needing more suppressants" Kim murmured.

"Oh!" Chay clasped his hands, "I-I don't have more at home. I'll buy some for you. Which brand do you prefer?"

Kim growled softly to himself before muttering, "Omega's Choice. I'll pay you back later"

"You... don't need to pay back" Chay said softly, "I'll buy some for you quickly"

Saying that he quickly left the room and locked the door. His heart was beating like crazy. The omega pheromones were too strong. Only he knows how he controlled himself.

Inside the room, Kim clutched the blanket tightly. He was sweating so much. His whole body felt hot but he couldn't take off the blanket. The wind touching his skin burnt him. He hid himself beneath the piles of clothes and blankets.

What was he even trying to do by asking Chay to touch him? Of course he didn't want Chay to touch him. He hated the touches of any alpha. But he thought that Porchay might want it. And he wanted to use it to win the alpha's trust. That was the method that always worked.

An omega in heat. Weak and needy, docile and ethereal. Which alpha would reject it? No one did. Kim had tried this on others and it worked perfectly well. An effortless method, using his body to gain trust. But Porchay... He refused. Even at Kim's most vulnerable moment, when he could easily take over the omega, he decided to let go. Kim was really confused about Chay's thoughts.

And more than being confused, he was growing suspicious. Did Porchay know who he was? Was he just acting with him? Was this all a plan? If it was, then what was his real motive?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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