Music Lessons

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At Chay's house...

Chay wiped the whole house with a mop, cleaned the floors, dusted the furnitures, flushed and scrubbed the washroom. His hands were aching now. But he was still cleaning and washing the floors. He used room fresheners everywhere.

It was a special day for him. It was the first time that Wik was coming to his house, so he needed to make sure that everything was clean. The house was full of alpha pheromones since both him and his brother are alphas. So he needs to make sure that the scent is gone.

Chay goes around, spraying room fresheners and wiping off every little speck of dust from the corner. He was all sweaty and sticky by now. It was nearly time for the singer to arrive and Chay decided to take a good shower.

After scrubbing his body with scented soap and applying some lotion, he was finally looking human again. His milky white were thighs popping out from his shorts and hair dripping water. He dried his hair with a soft towel and looked at himself in the mirror.

He took a deep breath. He needed to control his pheromones around Kim. He didn't want the singer to feel uncomfortable in any sense. Chay quickly combed his hair and applied a little lip balm when he heard the door bell.

He is here!

Chay's alpha was excited.

Ohh I know that baby. But please don't make me seem like a bitch in front of him.

Chay pleaded. He and his alpha were on good terms. They sometimes had some problems, but they seemed to cope up real quick.

Don't worry ChayChay! I got your back here!

Chay took another deep breath before running down stairs to open the door...




Kim was standing in front of Chay's house. The younger had already messaged his address to Kim at night. He sighed looking at the alpha's house.

He couldn't believe that he was foolish enough to come to the house of an alpha alone. He should have called Porchay somewhere else instead. But he needed to investigate the alpha, so it was better to be at his house.

Kim took a deep breath preparing himself for the upcoming day. He stepped towards the pavement and rang the door bell. Moments later he could hear footsteps running towards the door and the small alpha was standing in front of him a big smile adorned on his lips.

"P'Wik..." He said with a silly smile.

"Good morning" Kim returned a warm smile.

"Good morning" Chay beamed, "Please come inside"

Kim nodded and stepped inside carefully, preparing himself to be hit by the powerful alpha pheromones, but unexpectedly that never came. All he could smell was the sweet room freshener and freshly baked pancakes with honey.

"Umm I know you're here because of the music lessons" Chay said and Kim looked at him to find the alpha fidgeting with his fingers, "But since it's early, so I prepared some food..."

Kim thought of denying the offer but reminded himself that he needs to make the alpha trust him. So Kim smiled instead, "That's good because I didn't had the time to have breakfast today"

Chay gave him a sad smile before giving a big happy smile, "Sure! I'll serve P'Wik"

Kim gave him another small smile and kept his guitar on the sofa and sat at the table. Chay quickly hopped off in front of him bare feet. He went on the other side and laid a plate in front of Kim before slowly transferring the pancake on his plate and giving another drop of honey on top of it.

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