Training Day

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HEEY Everyone I hope you all enjoy so read, vote, and comment

Also, this chapters is a little sexual and I'll warn everyone before each chapter, to be honest, I wanted to get a little more graphic but I want it to build up to it so I hope you all enjoy

****Marcus at the top****

Chapter 12- Training Day

(Aiden's P.O.V)

A knock on my office door brought my attention to honest to God the most delicious sight I ever have seen. What approached me not only turned me on but pissed me off for 2 reasons The first she was exposed, her breasts filled that shirt too well. It spilled out at the top in the most alluring way the shirt dipped into a skin-tight pencil skirt. And the way her bare legs were on Full display.

My dick almost flipped the desk over. Her hair was pinned to the left side and it framed her face beautifully and to top it she wearing something on her lips that made them pop. And the second reason, She had the audacity to come to work in that attire so every man can ogle her freely.

I was so lost in thought I didn't hear her speak

"Mr.Price, Where do I go? "She asked very innocently

I gazed at her for a while debating on whether to say my bed I shook that idea out of my head strictly professional

"Ms.Wilkes take a seat"

She did so without hesitation. When she sat down the skirt rose slightly which brought attention to her sensual thighs,

"So I was gonna have you train under HR today, but I can't have you do that dressed as you are"I gestured to her form-fitting attire

"I know, I had a jacket but I left it because my su......." she hesitated"Silly best friend made me forget it"

I thought about her explanation it felt like she was lying but I ignored it

"So today you'll be trained by me so let me show you, your office for today"

I smirked if you can call it that.

(Charley's P.OV.)

This isn't an office it's a glorified closet it had a plain desk, one window, and 2 chairs not only that it was filled with boxes just Aiden standing there took up more than half of the office space.

"So for today, you'll file all these documents" he pointed to all the packed boxes in the room

He was about to leave "I'll be checking on you periodically" as he was halfway out the door he continued

" And maybe tomorrow, dress more appropriate"

I groaned my first day is full of chump work I seized the first box and got to work. Around noon I was about halfway done when Aiden enters with food in hand

I was too shocked to move he placed the food on my desk

He ran his fingers through his hair "I didn't know what you wanted so I got burgers " at that moment he gave the world's sexiest smile for some reason I felt butterflies start to form in the pit of my stomach.

"I love burgers, I'm a beef lover!" I stopped I hope that didn't sound sexual

My comment bypassed him because Aiden thought it was alright to sit in my chair."Excuse you" I said while hitting the chair and crossing my arms

He looks dumbfounded with a mouth full of food"What?" he said while chewing

"Get out of my seat," I said sharply

Surprisingly without a word, He got up and sat in the other empty chair


He nodded, we ate in uncomfortable silence I think it was more painful because Aiden kept watching me while I ate he was making me anxious like is there food on my face? Am I eating too fast? Thankfully we were interrupted by a knock I sighed in relief when his attention snapped sharply at the door like the guest was ruining the mood.

"Enter " Aiden commanded angrily

The person that entered was exactly what I needed to see today. He was Fine as Wine, Perfect chocolate complexion, Tall, Lean, Strong masculine chin, Dark brown eyes, and a Flawless smile. He was dressed to the T with a fitted grey suit with a white button up. This man looked like he was made in a workshop I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Aiden, I was surprised to see you stay a full day here. Is it safe to assume it because of this beautiful woman" He zeroed in on me flashing his pearly whites he stretched his hand

"Marcus Wade."

I shook it "Charley Wilkes "

Marcus looked shocked as if he knew of me. He was about to speak until Aiden walked to the door

"Marcus lets talk in my office "Marcus playfully winked at me and I giggled

Marcus left out first I looked up to see Aiden looking at me with blatant anger. He slammed the door as he charged out, I shrugged that off he's always enraged about something.

I checked the time it was a little past 1'o clock. I usually call Mason's daycare at this time, I pulled out my phone and proceeded to check up on him

The day was going slow and around 6

I was again interrupted by Aiden and the look on his face showed sheer rage He walked up to me and grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me to him. He stared at me momentarily then slammed his lips on mine. It took me a moment to realize what was happening Aiden was kissing me I waited for the anger to resurface like it did the first time but instead I was anxious and willing maybe it's from withdrawing but when his tongue slipped in. I lost it my fingers were through his hair and his big hands were cupping my ass placing my lady part directly on his rock hard member.

Instinctively our bodies started to grind together, I heard the low muffled curses spew from him I didn't realize that I was moaning so loud and his mouth was no longer on my mouth but on my neck.

He slipped his hand under my shirt and was squeezing my breast. Before he could take my shirt off my phone rung I was reaching for it but Aiden was holdings my hands in his tight grasp

"Aiden, Stop" I whined

"I don't wanna stop I've been holding back all day, "he said while squeezing my breast harder before I could speak my phone rang again I gave him a stern look and he released me


"Hey, Charley.... Mason is being fussy and I think he misses you"Even though the phone the poor girl sounded shy. I shook my head we really have to work on that.

"Hey okay, I'm just leaving out"

"Charley are you alright? You sound flustered?"

I blushed " I'm fine just a hectic day. I'll be there soon"

"Okay see you soon"-Click

During the call, Aiden had completely removed himself from me and moved to the furthest side of the small office. With the distance, I was finally able to think straight. He expression was somber as I put my phone away.

"I have to go"I added with a small smile

"Then GO!" he almost yelled

Gone was the almost sweet little moment. He had to be an Asshole I quickly fixed my clothes grabbed my personal items and rushed to the door. His eyes never left me during my hurried movements.

"Fine," I spoke while walking towards the door

"Fine" He barked out sounding more like an ass the longer I stayed.

Without a final glance, I left him in a cramped office alone and horny.

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