He Knows

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Chapter 18 -He Knows

Another Update!!!!!Comment!!! :):);)

(Charley P.O.V.)

Three days is how long its been since Mason has not woken up. He murmurs and that's it even his mumbles sound feeble. Since the doctor stated that MJ can wake up at any time I made the decision to remain at his bedside. If it wasn't for Mia I wouldn't leave Mason's side at all but I did have to take a shower. So every day I would leave for a grand total of an hour to Shower and get items that MJ or I would need but besides that, I wouldn't flinch. And thanks to my insurance provided by Aiden, Mason was constantly attended to. It was a major relief I can only imagine the actual price of each night in this massive hospital.

Thankfully, on the fourth day with Mason. He woke up and My poor baby was out of sorts. The doctor said that Mason is in a very critical stage in his recovery anything could trigger a possible relapse. But nothing can make me as happy then the moment He opened his hazel eyes and he smiled

Nothing can bring this mood down.

I was asked to leave the room as they did some testing on MJ. So I took it as a get time to get coffee on my way back to the room is when I spotted my worse fear Aiden, Richard, and Mia

And from Mia's troubled face they weren't invited

I moved as close as possible without being seen

"Why are you guys following me" She snapped

"Look, Midget I know you. You know where Charley is its been almost a full week tell us!" Richard glared at her bothered by her obviously fake ignorance

"Like, I said I don't know" she glared back at him and added a shoulder shrug for good measure

At that moment, Aiden I suppose fed up with her games placed a look on his face I have never seen it was unfettered animosity. He zeroed in on her.

"Ms.Brooks I've been as patient as I can be only because you're Charley's best friend but I've had people follow you. And you have been coming here every day this week and I know you're not hurt. So I can safely assume Charley is, So Stop Fucking with me and tell me. Where she is before I lose control" Each word was packed was so much venom that it made my skin crawl

Mia was in shock, Richard looked as if he was trying to repress this side of Aiden from showing but he obviously failed.

I sighed and got up from my hiding spot and walked up to them

"Mr.Price, Richard" I addressed them as I grasped Mia's hand hiding her from Aiden's venomous stare

"Why are you here?" He charged "Are you Sick?"

With that question, I saw something flicker behind his Grey eyes. Was it concern? But it was gone before I could give it a name.

I contemplated lying but What's the point I'm not ashamed of Mason. So why hide him?

"Follow me." He grimaced but they all followed me to Mason's room I sighed as I lead them into my son's room

"For him, My son"

I looked at their faces Mia was already by Mason who was resting proper tucked out from the testing

The look on their faces was worst then I thought Richard looked lost and confused. Aiden was the most ominous it was as if he written me off. His steely blue eyes were so cold and piercing that I couldn't swallow. I almost felt like crying. He stiffened and looked at me with so much distrust

"How ...When?"Richard questioned

"He's two. If you're asking His birthday it's July 15 and well you ..know how children are made" I quipped dryly

Mia looked at me questioning like why am I not saying Im his aunt and Legal Guardian, but I gave her I'll explain later look she nodded slowly

"Ohhh Okay" Richard muttered while scratching his head in thought

"Mama" was all I heard and everyone disappeared to me. I rushed to him and offered some water from his cup. He drunk it up and fell back to sleep. I stroked his slightly red cheeks and kissed his sweaty forehead I was so occupied looking at Mason I didn't see Aiden walk out.

"Sorry. Charley, I'll return at a better time ..actually just call me when he gets up and is better I love to meet him" I smiled at his offer and watched him leave

"So why... the Secrets of Masons Origins" Mia questioned

"We have to keep it a secret until we locate Mason's birth mother. We have to make sure it's safe before We let it be known"

Mia sighed " I hope you're right ..but the look Aiden showed on his face when he found out about Mason was horrific it felt like he was looking at a way to delete a problem " She paused and quickly added

"And that problem was Mason"

"I know, Mia I saw it too ... let's discuss it after Mason is released"

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