Unofficial Moving Day

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Hi everyone Ik Ik shocker another update this is unheard of lol and I updated Falling For Temptation so I think maybe it'll be about 3-4 more chapters then Book one should be finished I haven't written anything yet I'm just mapping it out in my head ...anyway another update sorry if you feel cheated this is a short chapter ...Read, Vote, Comment

Unofficial Moving Day

(Charley's P.O.V)


The noise resonated in the room  my hand  throbbed slightly

I hit him harder then I meant too

His head was slightly turned from my hit and stood there frozen  that  spot, where my hand connected, was turning red
"You asshole do you know how crazy you sound you can't go making decision for us! I was willing to forgive Mason's extravagant room" at this time I was walking back in forth around the room" And then you have the nerve..... No! The audacity to have a temper tantrum over it I'm already raising one child I don't need another one"I half screamed now my arms were crossed and I was staring daggers at him

He didn't move under my stare and  for a second I thought I broke him until he started to blink 

"You hit me?"  he looked completely shocked  He rubbed his face and sat down "You actually hit me" he started laughing  like grip your side laugh
"You know I've been slapped by women before but I was always hoped that I wouldn't drive you to that point but I should have listened to Samuel he told me you were pissed" he whistled as he pulled out his phoned and looked at the front camera and examined the red mark

"Don't get too cocky about the bruise it didn't hurt I'm just pale" He added

'You are such an ass" I couldn't help but laugh I know that smack was probably nothing to a giant like him but the image of all those angry heartbroken women smacking him was funny .He deserved it, he's over there laughing and I'm mad because he wants to protect Us it makes me sound foolish.

I sighed "I didn't mean to hit you ..... You just made me so mad " I tried to justify my actions
"That's no excuse to put my hands on you or anyone else and if i'm going to teach Mason these values i'll have to abide by it" I said solemnly

I pulled up a seat next to him ignoring the tingle I got from being near him We  were looking at each other my brown eyes with his sexy grey ones I followed the trail from his eyes to his lips which I noticed was in a tightly squeezed thin lines then I realized he looked frustrated

"Charley if you don't mind scooting a little farther away" His voice was strained
I was looking at him curiously until I realized that we were extremely close and he's Oh-So familiar member was trying to make a guest appearance

I moved my seat further away

"You know how I feel about you and when you get that close" He winked at me suggestively
I colored slightly and cleared my throat

"I do know how you feel.....but I think we need to talk so please explain your plans"

'Well you saw Mason's room already and I have plans to have your stuff moved into my room tomorrow .... you can work from one of my other offices or hell even this one but for right now I don't want you guys out of my sight" he said nonchalantly

I processed what he said I felt my brain slowly but surely gather understanding he's CRAZY
" Ummmmh...." I  eyed the door wondering trynna calculate the distance but I haven't been to the gym in... I tried to count back the days.

" I'll catch you before you even leave that seat," he said smugly
Which I couldn't deny he is very athletic

"Thank you for the offer crazy ass,but I don't think that arrangement will work for us I appreciate it especially after what happened...." I couldn't control my shiver "Maybe Mason can come over and play in his amazing room and maybe we can arrange a sleepover but I can't go along with your plans" I made sure my tone was strict while avoiding eye contact

Minutes passed NOTHING. He didn't say a word

" Is that Okay?"

I questioned finally making eye contact with him and my heart stop I've seen him mad, I seen him dissatisfied, hell I seen him horny but I've never seen that face.The air in the room was suddenly cold his eyes  lost all its luster I half expected those cold grey eyes that always appeared when I didn't agree with him but it looked as if I  his kicked favorite puppy ..he's eyes gave away nothing and everything at the same time ...he had a slight frown etched on his face and I swear he lost some color he was Sad and that's a face I would prefer to never see

"Why won't you let me protect you and Mason?" he all but whispered it"Let me at least do that"

I felt a lump in chest he's never been this vulnerable with me before ..How unfair

" Okay, you can protect us.....But I want my own room and  I'll be able to return to the office when I feel ready" I felt like those were reasonable requests

He chuckled "Why a separate room trying to protect your virtue?" he added with a wink
"I want  my own space because no offense but you're too clingy " I half-joked and moved from my chair to sit on his lap

  I kissed his cheek where I previously slapped feeling bad about it again  " I'm sorry Aiden for smacking you but not anything else I mean any sane women would have left once a Man has a mini-meltdown, claim her and her child as his but call me crazy!" I laughed " but I guess I'm stuck with you " I snuggled closer to him

" So when's moving day!"

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