Election Day

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it was a pretty eventful day and I am also working on a side project so this may take me more than one day to complete unlike usual. :D

I am getting X-rays on my back tomorrow so hopefully we can find out what's wrong with it. wish me luck marshes :(

Also I have one question for yall:

Where do you think Mo will end up? :3

and also in this chapter will reveal Tony's last name (*i made up one until I watched Boys Town again and found out what it actually was*) :0

Whitey's POV:


So I had recently got into an argument with Freddie, Mo, and Tony. Micah was busy, so he didn't hear the argument. Most of us know that Freddie is the mayor- except Micah. They put up the posters this morning, so Micah will find out. I don't think Micah would run, but I already know who he'll vote for when he finds out.


Micah's POV:


They put up the posters this morning, so I can see who's running.

Tony Ponessa,

Whitey Marsh,




He's the mayor!

I need to find him quickly.

(*role call bell rings*)

It's role call time! I know that Freddie is the one who calls the names.

"Jimmy Barlow?"


"Eddie Finnegan?"


"Paul Marino?"


"George Marlow?"


"Trent Presley?"


"Tony Ponessa?"


"Joseph Ramsey?"


"Micah Roberts?"


He went through the rest of the names, and when Freddie was on his way back inside, I went up to him.

"Hey Freddie?"

"Yes Micah, what is it hon?"

"Are you the mayor?"

"Why yes I am!"

"Are you running again?"


"I'll vote for you!" I said as I grabbed his hand for a quick moment.

(*the day before election day*)

"So what are we gonna do tonight?"

"I don't know, we could find something fun to do!"

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