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Hobie's Pov -

We watched as the spot entered the portal, Miles was terrified.

There was a 'ZIP' but nothing else.

Pavitr broke the silence.

"Welp! That was another easy adventure for spider-man -" Pavitr said, We all yelled 'NO!'

A giant flash of light blinded us, sending us backwards, it was so colorful.

I shook my head as I started to come back to reality, The spot was black with white spots.

"Miles! Miles! Cmon! We gotta go, Mate!" I yelled to him, Grabbing his hand and pulling him out, he looked out of it.

Gwen and my Brother ran behind, I looked back to see if they were okay.

The building was a mess, things were falling and I pushed Gwen and Miles in front, Grabbing Harv's hand.

"Cmon- We're almost outside!" I told him, as soon as we got outside, the building was being eaten by a black hole.

I heard Harv's heavy breathing, I patted him on the back.

"You okay, Bro? Look at me.." He shook his head as he looked up. "It's okay.. We're out of the building."

He nodded.

"Are the others okay?" He asked, I nodded.

We heard a loud creaking and saw a building on the edge of falling.

"We'll clear the people, You stop that building!" Miles told us, Pavitr looked terrified.

We swung down.

"I'll do it, But not cause you told me to!" I said the last part loudly, My brother grinned at me.

We all were doing out part, Me, Gwen and Harv were stopping the building, Miles and Pav were clearing the people/ saving the people.

My heart stopped when I heard a 'snap' my webs had broke.

The building fell down, I tried to stop it and my brother sent me a worried glance.

We swung into the building and grabbed everyone we could, We then set to clearing out the bridge.

I looked around, I was scared and confused, I saw Miles and Pavitr.

Pavitr was trying to save a bus with..


His girlfriend.

Miles was trying to save a little girl and Gayatri's father.

I jumped down to help Pavitr, Harv was already there and helping pull it up, I connected my webs to the bus and pulled.

Gwen was already searching for Miles.

I felt my heart stop.

A spider-man.. Dead?

Miles had been under some of the wreckage, Protecting a little girl and inspector sighn.

As soon as we pulled the bus up, Pav ran to Gayatri.

I grinned. They were so cute.

I looked at my brother, He patted my back.

"Good job, Brother." He smiled.

"You too." I grinned at him.

I turned around, me and Harv swung over to Miles.

"Miles, Miles. My, Guy!" I patted him on the back, He looked up at me.

I glanced at my hands, Pink.

We were just celebrating our victory when a giant black hole opened up.

"Guys.. What's that?" Pavitr asked, Harv squated down on the edge.

"It's a metaphor for capitalism." He said, I nodded.

"It's a lot worse then that." Gwen whimpered.

Harv looked up at me, I shrugged.

'Maybe it's something to do with the spot?' He thought.

Ever since we got bit by that bugger of a spider, We could sometimes read each other's mind.. It only happened when we really concerntrated on the other's thoughts, ending up giving us a small headache. So we only did it when we needed to.

Another portal opened in the sky, I saw Jessica and a few other spider-people.

Normally, Harv would yell out 'Jessy!' And he'd annoy her, but he just looked down.

Miles tried to say hello but Jessica ignored him.

We were soon told to go to HQ.

"I don't follow orders, Neither does he." I said, silently warning Miles not to go.

Miles just got excited and shrugged off my arm, Bouncing in the air.

God dammit, Miles.

We all just followed orders, Harv just sighed loudly, We walked to the ship, as it started to move we both jumped, landing on our feet, Miles had some trouble.

"That felt too easy. Kinda glad we didn't beat him." Harv shrugged, I narrowed my eyes.

"Bro, Pav's dimension is in danger." I said slowly.

"We'll fix it! I'm just happy the villain doesn't take two seconds to defeat.." He said quietly.

I rolled my eyes and grinned, taking off my mask.

"How are you even cooler under your mask?" Miles asked, jealously written all over his face.

"I was just cool the whole time." I winked, He turned but I saw a small smile.

Miles was looking in amazement, We were in the lobby of spider society.

"This is unbelievable!" Miles gasped.

"This is the lobby." Gwen smiled.

"Oh." Miles said, disappointment covering his face.

"Welcome to Spider society..!" Gwen said slowly, Her voice quiet.

Wonder if she's told this bloke about this place..

Harvey Brown • Brother of Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now