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"You're dead."

Hobie pounced on the spot, Hitting him over the head with a guitar before being knocked out of the way by Morales.

"You f*¢king d!ck head!" Morales roared, attacking the spot with his claws, inches away from stabbing the white flesh.

"You can't kill me.. Heros have moral codes." The spot laughed.

"Who said I was a hero?"

A loud scream was let out from the spot as Morales swiped at the spot, His claws dripping with red blood.

"Guess you ain't all black and white." Morales grinned, his mask falling.

People gathered, Hobie looked around for Harv.

"Harv?! Harvey?!" Hobie yelled out, fear rising.

A large, black portal opened in the sky.

Harv fell out of it, unconscious and still falling.


All the spider's tried to swing to Harv, Not being able to grab onto anything cause of the ruble.

"Move it!" Morales demanded, pushing the spiders to the side before running quickly up to Harv, jumping up (Really high cause his suit was modified to work like that) and catching Harv.

Hobie ran as fast as he could to the two, grabbing Harv from Morales.

"Harvey.. Harvery.." Hobie hugged his brother tight, allowing a tear to fall.

Harvey let out a groan as he opened his eyes.

"Did we win? Is your dad okay?" Harv turned to Miles.

"Yea. He's okay."

"Migs is gonna be so mad.." Harv laughed a bit, Hobie moved his hand from holding him up and saw blood.

"Sh!t Harv, you're bleedin'.." Hobie tried to get Harv to lean on him, but his brother just stood up straight and looked at the cut.

"Crap.. Yes I am.." Harv laughed.


"I'm tired.."

Suddenly, Harv fainted, being caught by Hobie and Morales.

"We need to get him and your dad to a doctor!" Hobie demanded, Miles nodded, moving away to get his dad.

"Sh!t.. Is this ma' fault?" Morales asked, looking at Harv.

"Nah. 'e's- 'e'll be fine." Hobie said, trying to comfort Morales and himself at the same time.

Damnit Harv..

Please wake up..

Harvey Brown • Brother of Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now