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Harv grunted.

He heard a loud bang outside, His spider senses going off like crazy, Hobie must've picked it up too because he shot out of bed.

Suddenly, A giant slop of green goo flew through their window and into their bedroom.

"Aw Ew!" Harv retched, Looking at the disgusting and smelly snot like substance.

He grabbed his guitar and wiped the sticky stuff off of it, Groaning.

Hobie looked at him and smacked him the the back of the head, Retrieving all of their gadgets and throwing them into his bed.

"The actual f'ck, 'm tryna sleep!" Hobie yelled to the supervillain.

The supervillain was glitching like crazy, It was also made out of that gooey substance entirely.

Harv made a gagging sound.

"Is he made outta f'ckin' vomit?!" Harv yelled, Trying not to puke.

"Gross, Man! Fuck!" Hobie yelled, Grabbing the watch and calling Gwen, Who put them through to Miguel, "Yo t'ere's this bastard 'ho's fucked up our dimension!" He yelled.

Harv grabbed his boots, Pulling them on.

"Ughh.. This is not a good way to spend my birthday!" Harv yelled, Listening to the screaming of The English, Of course the cops weren't doing shit.

He swung out the window, Hobie following after him after pulling on his black tank top over his spider suit.

"Ew! I swear to-" Harv yelled, Swinging to a building after dodging the disgusting gunk and shuddering.

Hobie laughed at his squirming brother.

"Ya're sucha puss-" Hobie laughed before getting gunk on his shoes after dodging a big ball of sick, He gagged and bent over, Hands on his knees.

"Who's the pussy now, Dickwad?!" Harv laughed, Shooting a web and swinging over to try and find a way to get rid of this giant monster.

He swung past it, Hanging right in front of it's eyes for a second.

"I'd just like to say you are ruining my birthday for me." He stuck his tongue out.

In response, The monster yelled out and threw another ball of green goo.

Harv dodged it, He tried not to puke himself, Looking away.

He saw a portal open up, Showing Two other spider people who jumped out of the portal, One had a vacuum like mechanism and the other had webs that came in three, Causing it to have a bag like function.

Harv nodded to the spidermen, Who nodded back.

Hobie shook one of the girl's hands, They had a white suit with black eyes, Having six limbs instead of four (Four arms, Two legs).

Harv watched as the girl got way too close to his brother, He grabbed Hobie's arm and yanked him back into battle.

Harv sneered, Swinging around and attacking the monster (Or at least trying to, Since they couldn't really touch vomit without falling through it).

Harv watched as The Spider people took down the Monster, Having him contained.

"Hey! Thanks for the help, Lass." He nodded to the girl in the white suit, Who took off her mask. She had a big poofy afro and black eyes, Her skin was dark.

"No problem! Glad to be of service!" She had an Accent that Harv couldn't quite place. Maybe African?

Harv shook her hand firmly, Or the one that she offered him, Because of.. Well, She had four arms, You know?

Harv glanced over to his brother who was talking to the other person, They were discussing Hobie coming back to work for Miguel, Which Hobie strongly disagreed with.

Harv remembered all of this.

He remembered that Miguel wasn't such a sourpuss when people actually listened to him. Something that Harv both hated and respected.


Respecting someone like Miguel?

Basically a corrupt cop?

Not good.

This wasn't good at all.

He felt someone shaking him, He realized he had been zoned out for quite some time because both of the spider people were gone and things were back to normal.

Well, There was still a bit of goo on them and the city, But mostly normal.

Hobie looked at Harv, Concerned.

"Hey, Garçon." Hobie snapped in front of Harv's eyes, Shaking him a bit, "Helloooo?"

Harv blinked and looked at Hobie.


"Ya zoned out, Dumbass." He flicked Harv on the head, Making Harv smirk.

Harv swatted him away.

" 'm fine. Just pissed off I couldn' sleep in on ma bloody birthday." He huffed.

"Do 's all a favor? Build a bridge then get t'e fuck over it." He smacked Harv in the back of the head.

"Hey! Ya can't be mean, 's ma birthday!" Harv snapped back.

But Hobie only smirked and pulled an arm around Harv's shoulder, Ruffling his hair up.

Harvey Brown • Brother of Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now