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Harv is trapped, He gasps for air and reaches for his brother's hand.

"H-hobie- Hel-"

He's grabbed, But not by Hobie.

Hobie watches, His face a grimace as Harv is dragged off to be tortured.

He looks over his shoulder to see..


Their foster mother, Face blurred as Harv yells pleas of terror.

She raised her hand.. And..


Harv jolted awake, He was still in Gwen's dimension.

He was met with the face of Hobie, He had his hand on Harv's and looked concerned.

"Ya alrigh', 'arvey?" He asked.

Harv pulled his hand away from Harv, Still in shock from the dream.

He cleared his throat.

"I- I.. I'm.. 'M fine." He muttered.

His eyes had tears in them, He looked outside.

Rain and Thunder.


Harv jolted and held onto the head board.

"F-fuck.. Where.. Where are we?" He mumbled.

"Gwendy's dimension, 'member? We checked you out of the hospital last week. Reckon we shouldn't be takin' ya home til ya've recovered." Hobie explained.

He sat on the hotel bed.

"We're lucky that Morales spotted us some cash. Us livin' in London and all." He chuckled.

"M-morales?" Harv blinked.

"Yeah, Morales. 42. Miles offered to give us some, But Morales insisted." Hobie shrugged.

".. Ah." Harv nodded.

He quickly wiped the sweat mixed tears away from his face.

"Uhm. When should we get back? Isn't our dimension in trouble or something?" Harv yawned quietly.

"Nah, I took care ov' it. Made sure t'at everythin' is where i's meant ta be. Don' worry, Okay? We're gonna be fine. Ya'll be fine." Hobie reassured him.

Harv nodded.

"Sorry." He whispered quietly.

"Quit that. Mum hated you apologizin' for everythin' and so do I." Hobie snorted.

He sat up, Grabbing his stuff.

"I reckon we can head home in a few days, on account of-" Hobie started, Harv wasn't listening.

What was that dream?

He felt a pain in his stomach and flecks of light flashed around him.


Harv gritted his teeth.

A vision flashed before him--

"I love you, Mama!"





"Do you love her? Do you love this fucking whore?!!"

The pain vanished quickly, As did the visions.

Hobie turned to Harv.

"Ya Alrigh'?" He asked, He seemed to not know why Harv was so out of breath.

Harv looked at Hobie, Panting with his eyes wide.

".. I'm fine."

Harvey Brown • Brother of Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now