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Hobie is a bit of a fucked up person.

Let's just come out and say that, Yeah?

He always has been, Not sure if somethin in his head went loose when he was little, But he was always a bit messed up.

He's not the type to do anything bad bad. He wouldn't ever put his hands on someone for harassment, But there's definitely blood on his hands.

He and Harv made a promise. No matter what, They would be together. They would always put the other before anything else.

That rule broke when Harv turned Eighteen.

Harv had gotten out of the hospital a couple months ago, He was doing great. His webs were faster then ever, His Spidey senses had improved and he was even happier then before.


Milo Morales.

He didn't know what it was about him, But every time he felt like twenty spiderpeople had punched him through his gut, Milo immediately recharged him.

It was crazy, Literally, All Milo had to say was;

"You alright, Harv?"

In that silky Hispanic accent of his, and Harv would be refuelled and ready to take on the Lord themself.

So Harv visited a lot.

Which left his brother alone. A lot.

One day, As Harv was packing his things to spend the night at Milo's, again. Hobie stopped him.

" 'ey ey ey, Where you goin?" He said firmly.

Harv looked up at Hobie.

"Jus' goin' over to Milo's, we're gonna watch a movie." He shrugged.

"It's your birthday tomorrow, We always spend the night before together." Hobie muttered the last part.

"Yeah, Well.. Milo invited me, How am I supposed to say no? I'll be back by Midnight."


Harv stood and started to walk to the door, But Hobie stopped him.

"What happened to us against the world? I barely see you anymore, Mate." He whispered.

"Yeah, I know Hobes. I promise I'll be here tomorrow, Okay? Swear on it."

He looked down at his arm and gave Hobie a look.

Hobie realised he was acting like a bit of a narcissist so he let go.

"Be safe, Yeah?"

Harv nodded.

So Hobie waited.

... 9PM.

And waited.

... 10PM.

And waited..

... 11PM.

When it was 12PM, He was waiting by the door.

Harv didn't come back.

Not at 1AM. Not at 2AM. Not at 4AM.

When it hit 5:32AM, Harv finally arrived home.

He jumped when he saw Hobie waiting there.

"The fuck were you?" Hobie hissed.

"At Milo's? Have you been waiting-"

"Harv- Okay, What the fuck mate. You left me. You left me f-for the variant of the thing we killed? You left me for a Prowler?!" Hobie yelled.

Harv looked taken aback.

"Hobie, It's not a big deal-"

"Is it a big deal! It's a huge fucking deal! You left me! You promised we would never leave each other, Harv!"

Harv stepped back, He looked at Hobie as if he didn't even know him.

"You promised- Promised-.." Hobie choked out a sob.

Hobie felt weak and his legs trembled.

Harv ran up to him and pulled him close, Pressing Hobie's head into the crook of his neck, Hobie gripping at his back.

"Please don' leave me, Harvi.." He whispered, Tears streaming down his face, "I- I jus'.."

Harv nodded, They both fell down and Harv was holding the back of Hobie's head.

"I get it, Man."

He pressed his forehead with Hobie's.

"I ain't leavin'. I ain't Angie. I ain't Bry. I ain't Magi, I ain't Dad, I ain't Mum, I ain't James. Okay? I'm Harv, I'm gonna stick by your side, Got it?" He muttered.

Hobie nodded and sobbed, Pressing his face into Harv's shirt.

" 'm sorry." Harv muttered, Holding him close, " 'm so sorry."

(Made these two a buncha cry babies, Finna make them badasses in the next few Chapters)

Harvey Brown • Brother of Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now