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THE AROMA OF COFFEE is the first thing she noticed upon arriving at the border. She also notices how peaceful the town is. It is just the same as where she came from. The only difference here is the ambiance of the place. It is somehow heavy but still light. The people are happy and smiling. Some are even making jokes but there is something. A feeling that there is a hidden agenda behind those smiles. As if they were always ready to attack. That feeling seemed to be so calm but deep down they are dangerous and when she says dangerous, it could mean death.

"How can I get there?"

She quickly hid when she saw one of the men look at her spot where she was hiding. Good thing she wears green. It is a lot easier for her to hide from the bushes. She doesn't know what had gotten into her mind why she is at this place right now but all she wanted to know is why did the ground shake the other night. What caused it? What is the reason behind the sudden shake? If these people have something to do with it, she better find out to keep everyone safe in town. She will not let anything happen to them. Now that she is determined to show her mother she is capable of being the future leader of Nirvati.

She will find out the reason, right here right now.

"Don't I look silly in this position?"

She quickly hid again when she heard voices approaching near where she was. She can't be caught right now. She still needs to find out if these people have something to do with the ground shaking.

"Did you know what happened last night?"

"You mean the sudden ground shaking? Yeah, I was busy molding weapons last night when it happened. I was shocked for a while but chose to ignore it. I know the Queen will not let anything happen to us."

With what she just heard, it makes her doubt if it is right to be at their border. To spy on them. It feels so wrong to think that they also felt what happened and they were also shocked with it. So it means that there is a possibility that their Queen thinks of them causing the ground to shake. There is only one town that is way stronger than them and that is Nirvati. Now, she no longer thinks that Trigon has something to do with it or at least she thinks.

"Do you think the town of Nirvati has something to do with it?"

"I don't know. Maybe. They are the only town that is stronger than us. We all know how blessed they are in terms of their power. Their healer might be doing an experiment that causes an explosion that leads the ground to shake. Maybe they have something to do with it."

"I guess so. The Queen might arrange a meeting with them if that's the case. If not, there would be another cold war to happen."

A cold war. It happened many years ago and it wasn't the best thing that happened in history. The cold war that leads to a bloody war. A lot of lives were wasted, people were wounded, children were crying, and the town was destroyed. None of them wanted that to happen again. Nirvati won but they were not happy. The other town got scared of them. It takes a lot of effort to finally be able to make good connections with them.

"Let's go. We need to deliver goods to the neighboring town."

Merida took a peek at those two Trigons. She released a deep sigh upon realizing that she was holding her breath the entire time she was listening to them talk. It feels like it is a wrong move to come here and spy on them. They seem to have no idea of what just happened that shocked everyone. If they felt it, then so would the neighboring town.

She ran fast going back to her town ignoring the feeling that someone was looking at her. She could feel someone's presence but she had no time for that. If she gets attacked right now, she can fight and save herself. She might not like the idea of having a conversation with her Mother right now but she has no other choice. She needs to tell her what she discovered. She needs to prevent any cold war as much as she can. No war is going to happen. History will not repeat itself. No more lives to be wasted. No more killing.

Merida of Nirvati (ONGOING Revision)Where stories live. Discover now