Chapter Fifteen.

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You drew stars around my scars



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THE speakers in my room were blaring with songs. Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Lana Del Ray, Harry Styles, Selena Gomez, you name it...and it was a sad songs playlist, if you didn't catch that.

I was totally and completely numb. My mind had stopped working and all I did for the past hour since I came back to the Chateau was wallow and sulk while lying in my bed silently.

There was not one thought runnin through my mind. Not one single thing.

Not the fact that we had just fought off the Kooks behind the movie screen at the park. Or the fact that I told JJ the truth about what had been happening between me and Rafe. Or the fact that he literally told me he loves me. Or...the fact that I got into a huge fight with one my best friends ever; Kiara.


I was blank and I felt empty. The songs were on full volume till highest point, so loud that I couldn't--even if I wanted to-- think over the music.

My entire body aches. The bruises Rafe left on my arms and neck and face, sting whenever I touch them accidentally. The ache in my chest had vanished after a while. And my head wasn't hurting as much as it did back when everything was still chaos.

I was curled up on my side, the blanket coating me body, keeping me warm as the cold breeze flew in from my open window.

On one hand, there are, like, a million emotions swirling inside me and I wanna scream and shout and break everything, and tear everything apart. Just wanting to let go of all that I have buried inside and acted like I was completely fine.

While, on the other hand, I just wanted to stay silent. Let it all pass over me. I was just too tired and too exhausted to put that much energy and anger and effort into screaming and crying anymore.

The silence of the house didn't bother me. For a few minutes I was worried as I learned that John B wasn't back yet. But then, my misery caught up with me, my anxiety in tow as I crumbled, cried for a few minutes in the hall and then scrambled on my legs to come inside and just lay there in my bed, unmoving and silent.

"Jesus, it's too loud in here, Ro..." I hear a muffled yet familiar voice speak over the loud blaring music. I look up from my curled up position on the bed, in the room that was still destroyed when I had my mental breakdown this afternoon, to find the person the voice belonged to. 

There he stood, still dressed in his clothes from earlier, hair all dishevelled as he wore his red cap over it. JJ looked at the state of my room as his eyes flitted everywhere. "Holy shit, what the hell happened here?" He asks as he walks over to the speak in the corner, turning the volume down as .

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now