Chapter 11

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Inside the chantry was quiet besides a few sisters and scouts. The red-haired elf let out a sigh at the warmth, also taking a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light. Kayla was never going to fully get used to the cold. Shaking her head, the elf continued towards the war room because she had been told there was more information about contacting Val Royeaux. Kayla could even see a brief glimpse of the meeting through the war room's open door.

Mostly of the tall, blond commander.

"Ah, Lavellan."

Kayla jerked a little from the sudden voice focused on her, even though it was gentle and warm. Looking up to see a familiar face, Mother Giselle, the chantry sister from the Hinterlands. "O-oh, Mother Giselle. I didn't see you."

"I guess I did lurk in the shadows, I apologize." The woman chuckled, stepping out of the alcoves on the side before patting the elf's shoulder. "I know we never had a chance to speak after you returned. I'm glad you are here safely. The world is even more dangerous at the current time."

"I-I'm glad you arrived in safely as well."

"All thanks to your men."

"The Advisors deserve more for that instance than me."

"Do not give yourself such little credit. You work just as hard to do your part. Especially with what you have to endure." Mother Giselle's eyes drifted to the faint green glow on Kayla's left hand. "Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes, but after closing a f-few of the rifts, its felt stronger I suppose." Kayla said, tracing the mark with her thumb.

Sounds of more heated voices picked up from the open door of the war room, making Kayla flinch for a second.

"Though I will not take up more of your time, I think you are needed by how loud their voices are getting." Mother Giselle gently directed Kayla was a small push.


"Having the Herald address the clerics is not a terrible idea."

"You can't be serious. They will eat her alive-" Cullen started, his voice picking up.

"Mother Giselle isn't wrong: at the moment, the Chantry's only strength is that they are united in opinion," Josephine said, continuing over the commander's comment.

"And we should ignore the danger to the Herald?" Leliana interjected.

"I didn't mean it as such and I do care for their safety." Cullen rubbed his temples and closed his eyes. "Just-"

"Let's ask her shall we?" Josephine said, tilting her head towards the entry of the room.

Kayla gave a small smile, rubbing at her arm nervously, cheeks turning a fair shade of pink at Cullen's comment. She figured he meant it as a general concern, but there was a hope that his matching flushed skin was something else. "Ask me what?"

"Concerning contacting the Chantry in Val Royeaux. Mother Giselle's information has provided some insight into what we have been assuming is happening. You being the titled Herald, it might best if you hear what they have to say." Josephine said,

"Would contacting them help any? Considering what I am in the eyes of everyone currently?" Kayla said, stepping closer to the table and keeping tentative eye contact between her and the ambassador.

"I agree. It just lends credence to the idea that we should care what the Chantry says." Cullen leaned the hilt of his sword, a small crease forming on his brow.

"I will go with her." Cassandra walked into the room, her armored boots clunking on the stone floor. "Leliana, Mother Giselle provided us names? Use them."

"But why? This is nothing but a-" The spymaster started but was cut off again by the Seeker.

"What choice do we have, Leliana? We can't approach anyone for help with the Breach at the moment. But at this point, this is better than nothing. Maybe they will at least listen to me and I can get Lavallan an audience." Cassandra put her hand on the hard wooden surface of the table with a thud. "Use what influence we have to call the clerics together. Once they are ready, we will see this through."


Kayla stepped out of the warmth of the Chantry building alongside Cassandra who still looked partially annoyed. The elf wanted to change the subject away from the meeting, so she spoke up. "Thank you for your support."

The Seeker tilted her head down, face softening. "We have to work together in such times. I know that..." Cassandra said, taking a moment to choose her words. "we did not start on the best of terms. Even with all the traveling, I have yet to reconsile that."

Kayla's eyes went a little wide and then fell to a half-lidded state, letting out a short-lived giggle.

"What is so funny?"

"Nothing, I guess it's nice to see you...calmer. I'll be honest, when we first met I was frightened of you." Kayla said, then in a hurried rush panicked. "I-I mean. I'm sorry."

"No, I deserve that. With everything that happened at the conclave, all of us were on edge." Cassandra sighed, exhaling a puff of white as both started walking towards the main gate. "As her Right Hand, I should have been able to save her..."

"I think she would be p-proud." Kayla smiled, trying to uplift the situation. "It's alright to worry."

"Is it that obvious?"

"A little but I understand."

Then silence came between them except for the passersby that greeted the women. Kayla wasn't sure what to say anymore. She could tell many things were going through the mind of the Seeker.

"Did I do the right thing? What I have set in motion here could destroy everything I revered my whole life. One day, they might write about me as a traitor, a madwoman, a fool. And they may be right."

"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Kayla said slowly, trying to correctly translate the saying to King's tongue. "Pretty much, what do you believe?"

Cassandra's brows softened again and a hint of a smile formed. "I believe you are innocent. I believe more is going on here than we can see. And I believe no one else cares to do anything about it. They will stand in the fire and complain that it is hot. But is this the Maker's will? I can only guess."

"You didn't have any choice when everything turned upside down."

"Didn't I?" Cassandra asked. "My trainers always commented, 'Cassandra you are too brash. You must think before you act.' I see what must be done and I do it! I see no point in running around in circles like a dog chasing its tail. But I misjudged you in the beginning, did I not? I thought the answer was before me, clear as day. I cannot afford to be so careless again."

"It wasn't like you had no reason to suspect me. I came out of nowhere in the remains of the explosion." Kayla rubbed her arm, she still had bad dreams of seeing all those burnt corpses and demons.

"I was determined to have someone answer for what happened. Anyone. You were just the easiest target." The Seeker said, sadly. "I'm curious. Do you even believe the Maker exists?"

"I'm Dalish. I believe in our own gods." Kayla said, stopping before they exited to the training grounds. "Though, I am also open to the fact that there might be more. Our stories are scattered over all the missing years so maybe your Maker is connected."

"I was not expecting that of all things from an elf. Even so, I have to believe we were put on this path for a reason, even if you do not. Now it simply remains to see where it leads us." Cassandra said before nodding goodbye.

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