Chapter 38

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"What have you done with her?" Ellana yelled, notching her bow. "Bring my cousin back."

"They will never come back, I have made sure of that-"

Before Alexius could finish his threat, a roar echoed as the same emerald portal that stole Kayla and Dorian appeared once more. All the Inquisition forces aimed, ready to fire at what abominations could emerge. Except it was two people they knew. Kayla landed on her feet but the momentum forced her to take a few steps with Dorian following closely.

Dorian dusted himself off, letting a smirk form on his face. "You'll have to do better than that."

The Magistair backed away, eyes wide with utter shock. His breathing picked up as if all was lost. Alexius dropped to his knees, nearly sobbing.

"You need to stop this Alexius, p-please.This is no way to save your son. We h-have seen the results..." Kayla begged.

"You won. There is no point extending this charade." Alexius mumbled before looking at his son. "Felix..."

Felix stepped closer, leaning his forehead against his father's hood. "It's going to be alright, Father."

"You'll die."

Felix sighed softly, helping his father to stand up. "Everyone dies."

Kayla felt a wave of sympathy for the man as the Inquisition forces escorted Alexius and Felix outside. In the end all he wanted was the safety of his family. The method didn't excuse it but she understood more than she'd say out loud.

"Da'len! Creators, I'm glad you're alright." Ellana ran over, cupping Kayla's cheeks and kissing her forehead. "Are you hurt? Where did you go?"

Tears threatened to spring forth, but Kayla managed to hold them back. She didn't want to cry here, now was not the time but the elven mage still wrapped her thin arms around Ellana and stayed quiet.

"Well, I'm glad that's over with!" Dorian said, putting his hands together to start heading for the door himself.

However, more soldiers lined into the throne room but they weren't of the Inquisition. Their coat of arms featuring two mabaris on a crest of gold and white revealing them to the heraldry of the Theirin's, Royalty of Ferelden.

Dorian blinked and stopped. "Or not."

A stern faced, tall woman made her entrance after her guards. Her blonde hair pulled into a tight bun at the base of her neck. A simple yet regal gown of white and tan trimmed with fur fit her form well. Her thin eyebrows furrowed over blue-gray eyes at the Grand Enchanter.

"Grand Enchanter Fiona." The woman finally spoke, voice dripping with disgust.

Fiona hunched over slightly, almost cowering in the aura as she got closer. "Queen Anora!"

Kayla held onto Ellana, green eyes wide. That was the Queen of Ferelden? Kayla figured there might be some sort of correspondence with Ferelden from the Spymaster or Ambassador. Though, even to her it seemed too convenient that they appeared right after. Which made sense, Ferelden had probably been watching this for longer than the Inquisition.

"When I granted your mages sanctuary, I thought it was understood that they would not force my people from their homes." Anora said.

"Your majesty, let me assure you, we never intended any of this-"

Anora's icy stare dug deeply into the Grand Enchanter, cutting off the woman. "Your intentions ceased to matter when my people were threatened. I am rescinding my offer of sanctuary. You and your followers will leave Ferelden at once."

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