Chapter 8

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I was expecting Florence's response to be a no, but I was pleasantly surprised when I opened her text.

Florence: To avoid the possibility of swimming with my team, do you have a pool?

I was able to confirm we had a hot tub and pool on the grounds, and her text rang through.

Florence: Trainer approved with a bedtime. Could you pick me up in 20 or so, I do need to be back before 11

I replied of course, quickly throwing on some swim trunks and grabbing my keys. Pierre caught me on the way out. "Going out or swimming ," he asked.

I evaluated how to respond. "Mmmm, both? I'll be back though with Florence." I went ahead and gave up the information he wanted out of me. I needed to get going. "You wanna hang with us?"

Pierre's eyes were amused. "Nah, you and I can game afterwards. Don't wanna catch her off guard the night before the big match. You gonna tell her about our seats for tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Think so. Not to speak for her, but if I was her I'd be pissed if I was surprised by anything at my match." Pierre agreed with me.

"Don't keep her out too long, or do anything stupid," he chuckled.

"Mate. You know I'm not a Frenchman."

Pierre scoffed and shooed me out the door.
Florence was in my front seat, quiet as I parked. The feeling of being together was comfortable, but she seemed to be busy in inner-thought and I didn't want to push her to speak, I understood.

We stepped out and I grabbed the towels from the back seat throwing one to her which she caught. We walked through the gate with the pool and hot tub coming into vision. The air was cool, so I was confident both would be enjoyed. We threw our towels and belongings down, her pace much quicker than mine as she immediately stripped off her sweats and sweatshirt leaving her in her swimsuit. Without saying a word she turned and walked toward the pool while I pulled my shirt off. My eyes followed her as I watched her ponytail swing over her toned shoulders, then she dove in. Florence was fascinating.

I stepped in at the stairs, slowly making my way towards her where she was still underwater. I was near her space when she finally surfaced, her eyes catching mine and her face went surprised.

"Shit you scared me," she shouted and began laughing. I couldn't help but grin.

"Sorry, figured I'd try to join," my words surprisingly came out shy. Her face went back to serious and she opened her mouth but closed it. "You alright?"

She brought her hands to her forehead and slicked her hair back, a sigh escaping her lips. "I should be the one saying sorry. I've been so off this entire time."

I took a step back and plopped on the submerged step and patted the top of the water. It formed a little nook in the side of the pool. I studied Florence closely as she walked through the water and sat next to me. I scooted so I took the back half of the step resting my back and extending my feet to the other wall. She did the same at the front of the step but faced me, her feet extending out next to me. "In the mood to talk about it," I asked.

"It's the damn word...finally," she said exaggerating the last word.

My eyebrows raised. "Finally, hmmm."

A grin grew on her lips, and I had to fight the want to stare at them. I looked up to keep my eyes locked with hers.

"It was media day, and I swear all 5 reporters asked how I would FINALLY get over the hump in my third grand slam final."

I nodded, I was close to positive I understood.  "You're worried that the word finally is going to continue after this tournament?" Her eyes lit up as soon as I finished speaking.

"Exactly, am I always going to be the player that gets to the end and can't get the last win. How many more times will I hear that word and not be the champion? The word mocks me." Her forehead creased in worry but her eyes searching mine desperate for a response.

You spoke."

Her eyes crinkled as she laughed. "Asshole," she let out as she splashed me.

"In all seriousness Florence, I think you're very in touch with your thoughts and fears. It's powerful that you listen to them, evaluate them, and battle them. That will control your narrative on the court, and when you swing away your time will come at the top." The smile stayed on her face, and she let out a thank you just above a whisper. I nodded nudging my knee against hers.

"What do you do when you need to take your mind off a race?"

"I play piano."


I nodded. "I'll send you a song tonight."

"Can I tell you something," she questioned me, her voice steady. My pause let her continue. "You have been the most unexpected surprise this week."

I smiled at her, wanting nothing more to lean in and kiss her this very moment. She caught me by surprise with her genuine personality, and the conversations we shared the last few days reminded me what life was like before racing in F1. I couldn't kiss her though, not tonight at least. "It's been the best surprise. Sometimes it's easy to think I'm just a racer and everything that comes with it, but this week has felt far from it."

She nodded shifting her legs. Her teeth biting at her bottom lip. I had to look away, otherwise I wouldn't be able to help myself. "I also have another secret on a lighter note."

"And what's that?" Thankfully she stopped biting her bottom lip when she spoke.

"Your dad gave away my seat, along with Pierre's," I admitted to her.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she scoffed. "You better be kidding," she said with a warning in her voice.

"He gave them to some fans at your match and told us we had to join your box," I shrugged.

She laughed and splashed her hands into the water. "You're not kidding are you? How invasive of him!"

"Don't you dare talk about your dad like that, he gave me my first front row seats," I teased pushing against her shoulder making her fall off the ledge and dunk into the water. She gasped for air when she surfaced letting her laugh out. "You sure you won't mind?"

She shook her head and a mischievous look spread across her face. "Promise, it'll be good luck! Now how fast are you really?" She splashed me then turned swimming away. I quickly shifted off the bench going after her.

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