Chapter 39

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Daniel and I didn't speak a word the entire flight home. He was put in an awkward spot between me and my dad I'm sure, but he had helped me the last 24 hours without having to exchange many sentences. I did manage to thank him when we landed in Milan. Daniel telling me he was only a drive away if I needed him.

Then the jet made the quick jump to Monaco. I finally got my first sleep since leaving Australia. There was a combination of exhaustion and a moment of peace knowing I was going to be home. When I woke up I could feel every ounce of me wanting to be with Charles, and I couldn't get off the plane fast enough. I still hadn't turned my phone off do not disturb and I had no plans to change that.

These were the first moments I could think clearly as I thought about being home, and I knew I would be able to find Charles without opening up a world of problems on my phone.

After landing, I took a taxi to my apartment. While the driver recognized me, he stuck to conversation about the weather. I appreciated him and Monaco for that reason. My good foot was bouncing continuously as I watched the streets flash by, every few blocks becoming more and more familiar. Then we were in front of my building, the concierge quickly came to help me when he saw me pull up and tugging on all my bags outside the taxi.

"Thanks Nicolas," I whispered offering my first small smile as we entered the building and elevator.

"No problem Ms. Florence, we are happy to have you home. Everything was taken care of with your plants while you were gone, and I do know Mr. Leclerc arrived here last night. I haven't seen him since though."

"Thank you, that's wonderful news. And please, you can call me Florence," I reminded Nicholas which always made him smile but he never would correct his greetings.

Nicholas helped me with getting my bags into the entryway of my apartment once I unlocked it, then he quickly left after I told him I'd find him later with a tip.

It was quiet when I entered, but I could tell by the temperature and lights being on someone was home. I quickly entered the living room to see Charles asleep on the couch. His phone resting on his chest. "Oh thank god," I whispered relieved that he was here.

I took no time and quickly walked over to the couch sitting by his feet taking a moment to take in his familiar and relaxed face. He always looked younger when he was asleep, fully relaxed with all his features.

"Charles," I whispered nudging his leg with my hand. It earned a slight moan and stir, but he still seemed to be asleep. This time I leaned over so I could take up the space between him and the back of the couch forcing my way into the comfort. "I'm home," I said quietly with the emotion filling my voice without warning.

With a grumble and quick flex, Charles was awake quickly calibrating to his surroundings. His green eyes slowly opening to me and blinking.

"Florence," he grumbled as his hands went up to rub his eyes. His face turned to relief as he realized it was me. "Chérie, viens ici [come here]." Charles closed any space between us. My arms wrapped around him as we fell back into the couch. My tears were heavy and threatening to fall as I enjoyed every moment of the embrace.

"I... I don't understand. Everything has happened so quick... so suddenly. My mom and my dad, it's all falling apart," I sobbed into his chest. I finally felt every emotion of the past 24 hours pouring out of me.

Charles held me close while whispering into my ear. His soothing voice cutting through my sobs. C'est bon mon amour. Sfogati. His phrases bouncing between French and Italian while I continued to cry.

"I'm sorry," I choked out between cries.

"Shhh, it's okay love. You can cry."

Charles was taking deep breaths while holding me, and I did my best to copy him. The deep breathing eventually soothed me, and I was able to find my voice. I pulled my head off his shoulder looking into his waiting eyes. He placed a small kiss on my lips in between my breaths.

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