Chapter 56

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My body was tired and strained. I didn't feel faint, but the smallest efforts felt like achieving milestones the entire second half of the match.

When I watched Laurie's pass stay along the baseline on the opposite side of the court, I was relieved in many ways. Laurie had accomplished her dream and I was excited to be by her side when it happened. Also relieved to be done. To rest which is what my body was craving.

Laurie's racket went to the air and her hands were over her mouth shocked. She spun in the middle of the court until she fell to her knees. My best friend had defeated me to be US Open final.

My emotions were balanced on the court for most of the match, but any negative feeling I had was gone watching Laurie celebrate. A smile formed on my face while I walked toward the net and saw her reaching out to me. Knowing she wanted to share this moment, I walked up to her grinning with tears brewing in my eyes. When I got to Laurie she pulled on my arms and closed the space. She had me on my knees too hugging her while we kept our faces close.

"Ciao US Champion," I said with a smile.

She shushed me and pulled closer. We could hear a flurry of cameras all around us.


It happened. The thing I avoided the last few days finally took control of me at the worst possible time in front of the whole stadium and world. It wasn't uncommon for tennis players or athletes to cry after a major moment. This wasn't crying though. My lower lip was trembling as I walked up to the trophy presenter. Tears swollen ready to fall as I took my place in front of the microphone.

"Florence Bonsee, cong."

That's all I had to hear. My free hand went to my face and my chin fell. Before I could step back from the mic a gasp for air escaped me as I weeped.

The announcer smiled and asked for the crowd to cheer to help the moment. His voice telling me to enjoy the moment until I could at least breathe and step back forward. Laurie side stepped to me and I turned to cling to her until I couldn't postpone the interview any longer. I pulled myself away and stood sheepishly in front of the mic. My hand staying close to my trembling chin.

"We won't keep you long Florence we promise. We know you've been fighting fatigue and exhaustion this tournament. You still made it to the final to play your best friend. An incredible feat. Just talk us through it."

"It's just really special," I managed to squeak out and brushed a tear away with a finger. "I don't have many words, just so happy. For Laurie, my dearest friend and doubles partner. No one is more deserving and your play was sensational. For my family up in that box." I lump formed in my throat and I stepped back before resuming. "This aren't tears for losing I promise. Tears of happiness. I'm proud of the way I played this whole tournament. I'm beyond proud of my opponent and their first slam. And I love my team and family," I simply said before stepping back from the mic for good. The tears leaking out of my eyes again.

"Thank you Florence. Crowd let's show her some love." I listened as the fans roared and I gave a wave.

"Now to our champion, Laurie."

Laurie accepted her trophy and spoke eloquently. Her voice confident, humble, and proud all at the same time. She paid compliments to the fans. She showed loved to her box. After she separated from me right after the win, she ran up to her box and kissed Lando the same way I kissed Charles a year ago. She thanked him personally in the speech as well.

"And I'm ready to party with Florence in New York," she closed out her speech with a wink to me. My thoughts went to the idea and I gave her a nervous smile and wink.

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