Chapter 44

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The party was on and the alcohol was flowing. Everything had been perfect today besides one thing. Nothing a little tequila couldn't solve.

Arthur was beside me on the dance floor dancing like a maniac. George was keeping a constant flow of drinks coming to everyone dancing. Kelly was by me while I spun her around and into Max. I was beyond happy for my mate today, and it gave even more reason to celebrate.

Eventually the sweat was pouring off me, and I needed a break. The lights were blurring my vision in the corner, but it was probably the alcohol. I quickly pushed my way to the bar and got a water retuning to the VIP table. At that point, most people were on the dance floor including Rachel and the rest of the ladies. Max came to join me at the booth while Alex and Gabriel were talking behind it. I could barely hear their conversation, but I could tell Gabriel was getting drunk with an occasional slurred word.

George walked up with a cheeky grin, placing three shots in front of me. I gave him a glare but he slid next to me bumping me to move.

"You're gonna get me in trouble George."

George clapped my shoulder before talking. "Please, if you don't end up in the ocean I didn't do my job right."

I groaned looking at them. "Alright alright fine. One for the groom, one for the mate, and one for the win," I said pushing the other two shots in front of George and Max. "Cheers Mates."

We clinked our drinks and took the shots. "Oh my god," I coughed as the unidentifiable substance slid down my throat. "What the fuck was that."

"I have no idea. I told the bartender to make them spicy," George grimaced as well as the shot glass slammed.

Max shook his head letting out a hiss.

"What a day," I said smiling and leaned back. I caught a short snippet of the conversation behind me.

"So you're digging Florence," I heard Alex ask. I scrunched my face wishing I didn't hear the sentence.

I spoke up to avoid hearing more. "Alright Max, you're gonna have to teach us about married life. Does Kelly have the wedding all figured out yet?"

"Nah, she's just playing dumb though. I know she has a whole spreadsheet already."

"Damn, you're gonna have to wear a suit. That sucks," George said chuckling.

"I was thinking a swimsuit on the beach," Max said back.

"I wanna be married," George replied pouting which earned a laugh out of me.

"All you have to do is propose mate. It's not like you two aren't already married."

"Fair point."

I leaned back when George asked Max a question, the shot needing to settle into my stomach. I closed my eyes and rested my arms behind my head.

Nah bro, it's just a perk to get into shit like this. Plus she looks too good not to  fuck. Just trying to get her into my bed to have some fun too.

"You better be fucking kidding me," my words exploded as my eyes snapped open. Max and George looked over to me surprised as I turned around to stare down Gabriel. Alex was shaking his head and took a step away from the conversation.

"Seriously bro, she any good in bed," Gabriel said looking at me. There was not much behind his eyes but his words were ringing out. "Don't be shy Charles, you would know best yeah?"

Max shot up across the table. "You didn't just say that," his words strong too.

"No Max let me handle this," I said as George slid out of the booth to clear the way for me. I stood and walked around facing him. He stared at me and stumbled a step back when I was directly in front of him. "You don't get to speak about Florence. You need to leave."

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