Chapter 35

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My head was pulsing to a rhythm and there was pain surrounding me. I couldn't open my eyes yet as I tried to fight off all the side effects of the heaviest night of drinking. Everything was a blur with the faint image of Charles laughing beside me all night in his suit.

Unfortunately nausea overcame me as I was sorting through a fog of mostly forgotten memories. My eyes shot open and the low lit room only disoriented me more. I leaned over blindly and saw a little trash can that looked like it's been used already. I frantically grabbed at it releasing my churning stomach and let wretched sounds escape me for a minute.

Once finished I leaned back to what I finally realized was a bed, sweat on my forehead and little moans escaping my mouth. The ceiling slowly stopped spinning and I turned my head studying the furniture of the room. I was surprised to see my own furniture around me, knowing the plan was to return to Charles last night. The spot beside me was definitely used last night unless I rolled around like a psychopath in my sleep. It was for sure possible, but the question was answered before I could use the little brain power I had.

"Ah she's awake," Max said poking his head timidly around the door. "Charles mate, you better bring a gallon," he yelled in the other direction. The sound of Max's voice was far too loud, so I buried my head into the pillow moaning.

"There there drunky, Charles will be here soon," Max's voice returning but I couldn't bother looking up yet. Even though all my curtains were drawn, the dull light was too much.

I only stirred when I felt the bed beside me shift, and I peeled my head of the pillow ready to tell off Max for daring to enter even if it was in good fun. Kelly and Max have become quite close now that we were all in Monaco, but I would dare him to test me at this moment.

When I looked up though, Max was gone from the doorframe and Charles worried eyes were glued to me. Beside him was a tray of toast, orange juice, and water. The smell was seducing but my stomach quickly disagreed with a churn.

"Water," I choked out with my hand rising desperate. Charles smiled down at me quickly handing me the water while I downed half of it. "I'm not gonna survive this," I moaned as droplets spilled onto my chest as well, noticing I was in my pajamas at least.

"You will, just drink," Charles nodded at me with a smile. He looked disheveled but in much better shape than me. While I sipped water I studied him, his hair a mess with boxers and one of my T-shirts on. The only difference was he looked like he wasn't dying.

While I laid there sipping on my water when Charles would push it close to me, Max and Kelly returned into the door frame. I finally let a little smile out when I noticed both of them. Kelly in a pair of my pajamas and Max wearing one of my shirts and his dress pants looking slightly damp.

"That's quite the look," I grumbled taking them in. "What in the world happened last night?"

Kelly smiled at me. "I'm glad you're feeling better," she said.

"Unfortunately we have a family lunch we are already late for, but I'm sure Charles can catch you up. Then we can regroup later. There's lots to share," Max added also amused.

"We just wanted to make sure you survived, but we weren't moving too fast either," Kelly giggled. They turned and were out of sight. "We will return your clothes soon," Kelly yelled so I could hear.

I scrunched my face together trying to collect any memory, but my mind was sludge. "What happened?" My voice eager but clumsy as I looked at Charles.

"Let's get you feeling better and shower before we relive the night," Charles said leaning down and kissing my forehead which was currently wrinkled with confusion.
I didn't have the energy to take my hair out of the towel when I plopped on my couch in the living room. The sweatshirt and sweatpants I had on were the only source of comfort until Charles placed a blanket over me then walked to the kitchen. He returned with the toast to try and give it a second chance. Once he handed it to me, he took his spot next to me on the couch situating the blanket over him. He had a water bottle that he was sipping on as well, and he even seemed to lack the constant pep in his step.

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