Hawaii 4

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Continuation of Hawaii 3.

 Christian woke up groggily in the hotel room he and Sebastian are residing in. He winced in pain as he's trying to get out of bed.

A hand reached out to keep him in place. He looked up to see Jason looking relieved to see him.

"Jason!? How?! Why?!" He yelled before coughing from his outburst.

Jason laid him back down and is helping him drink water from a cup.

"It's great to see you too." He remarked.

Once Christian's coughing fit ceased he said, "It's not that I'm unhappy seeing you here, but how and why you are here?"

Jason sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed. "How much do you remember of the night you went to the Luau?" He asked.

Christian thought about it. "Let's see, I remember hanging out with Francesca, Ken, and Naomi. Then I was being sacrificed and got a coupon for an all you can eat buffet."

His eyes widened as he looked around frantically. "My coupon. Where is it? It's only good for a couple of weeks." He winced in pain from moving again.

Jason held him in place. "Stop it. Your wounds are still healing from the ordeal, you idiot."

"Wounds?" Christian asked before flashbacks rushed in his mind. "Oh my God. The monster hunter." He looked at Jason. "How did you know where I was, and what happened?"

Jason stared at him. "John called me to track your phone and explained that you were kidnapped. I took the next available red-eye out here."

His grip tightened on Christian's shoulders. "That bastard did a number on you. You're lucky that you're a hybrid, otherwise you wouldn't have survived. You gutted him pretty badly."

Christian's eyes widened. "Gutted?" He put his hand over his mouth as tears threatened to fall.

"Don't you dare feel bad. He almost killed you. He doesn't deserve your empathy."

Christian sniffled. "But I gutted him while he was alive. No one deserves to die that way." He put his hands on his head. "What have I done?" He sobbed as Jason sighed sadly and pulled him into a gentle embrace.

"It's going to be okay." Jason is rubbing soothing circles on his back as Christian wept in his arms.

Gerard and Sebastian entered the hotel room an hour later to find Christian cradled against Jason's chest snoring loudly.

Gerard couldn't help chuckling. "How is he doing?"

Jason smiled a bit. "He feels bad about killing the guy, but he'll be okay."

Gerard exhaled. "That's good to hear. We warned everyone in case there's other monster hunters in the area. For the remainder of the conference no one goes out alone. Day or night."

Jason nodded as he watches Christian resting.

Gerard patted him on the back. "Take good care of my precious assistant. We still have a couple days left in Hawaii, so try and keep it professional during business hours."

Jason sniggered. "We will sir. Don't worry." Christian began waking up. "Hello, sleepy head." Jason kissed his forehead lovingly.

"Hello." Christian yawned and stretched. "What time is it?"

"You woke up in time to go to dinner." Gerard answered.

Christian looked at his boss and Sebastian and screamed. "B-Boss! This is, we were just." he felt his cheeks heating up.

Gerard laughed as Sebastian grinned. "No need to fret Mr. Shear. We are well aware of your relationship. Now, you two go out and get something to eat. You've been cooped in here all day." he said before patting Jason on the shoulder again.

"Keep up the good work. I expect you to finish the proposal by Friday."

Jason grinned. "Yes sir."

He left and Christian looked with his mouth wide open. "You told him, didn't you?"

Jason snorted. "Yeah right. He figured it out all on his own."

Christian puffed his cheeks out with his face flushing.

Jason laughed as he is tugging his arm. "C'mon. You heard what our boss said. Let's get out of here for a while. We'll even go to dinner, with this." He presented him the coupon he dropped, and Christian's eyes lit up.

"My coupon." He took it. "Where did you find it?"

"Sebastian found it in the woods and handed it to me. He figured you'd be sad if it was lost."

Christian is kissing the piece of paper happily. "Why are you happier to see a coupon than me?" He asked annoyed as Christian stopped and smiled sheepishly at him.

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