🥀☆To Miyeon☆🥀

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Unnie, my precious Miyeon.

Remember how we used to fight all the time?

I know, we used to fight,but we also loved eachother.

Unnie, dear my precious my world my everything i miss you so much, you can't even imagine it.

Remember when we were kids? We used to play in the snow, and all six of us would trow snowballs at eachother, how we used to laugh together.

We used to argue for who would build to bigger snowman, do you remember?

Remember when we used to say that you and Minnie looked like twin's? And all of us would laugh about it.

How we used to play in the playground, run together, and do silly stuff.

My dear big sister, my Unnie, soon enough i will be whit you guys!

Are you happy Unnie?

We all will be together, and have fun again.


You didn't deserve what you had to go through...

Neither did Yuqi,Soojin, Minnie and Shuhua.

I could have barred the pain, but now that no one is by my side, I don't have a reason to live anymore.

I can't tell you how much i cried, how much endless nights i cried for you.

How much i cried for Yuqi,Soojin, Minnie and Shuhua.

I can't tell you because it's endless.

You were a strong person Unnie, you were, unlike me I'm not as strong as you.

You bared the pain much more than i thought, you were strong!

And you still are, you're an an amazing person in my eyes.

I wanted you to know that in my eyes you're my everything, my older sister, my strength, the girl i believed in.

But you're human to all humans have limits and you hitted you're limit way too soon.

You killed you're self...

I still remember the letter you left me... The tears on the letter were still wet while i read it...

You left me a letter telling me how sorry you were, how much you loved me and Yuqi,Soojin, Minnie and Shuhua.

Telling me that you couldn't bare the pain anymore, and that you were going to have to put an end to it one way or another...

The letter was wet from you're precious tears... I assumed that you wrote it when you were crying.

But I understand you Unnie, i saw and i know what you had to go through, because you were the oldest among us and it brought to you the most pain to bare.

It brought you pain to watch us suffer and you to suffer to.

You even asked for forgiveness in the letter from me Yuqi,Soojin, Minnie and Shuhua.

You're forgiven Unnie, even before everything happened.

You don't have to apologize for something you didn't do Unnie.

I just wanted you to know that... You were the girl I admired from afar, the girl that made me stronger, the girl that made me speak my first words ever since i was baby, the girl that made me walk my first steps ever since i was a baby.

You were my first everything in life Unnie!

Soon i will be reunited whit you.

Fly high angle, and take care of yourself Unnie!


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