🥀☆To Minnie☆🥀

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Hi precious...

Remember me Minnie?...

I know you are probably are now in heaven, playing whit our Unnie, yes I'm taking about Miyeon.

Anyways... How are you doing tho?

I hope you're doing good Minnie.


My sunshine....

I know, we didn't have the greatest bound together while you were here but...

You still are my sister, after all and i care and love you so much.

We may have argued a lot together, we may have cursed eachother.

But do you remember the days we laughed together?...

There were days where we sometimes used to laugh together, and days when we always to argued.

And if you were here whit me right now, and have asked me if i regret when we argued.

I would have said yes, because the days we argued whit eachother could have been days of us laughing together instead of arguing...


Do you remember that one day in school, where all six of us were holding hands and we taking about dumb stuff, we were running around the school while the teacher yelled at us?

Funny days we had whit eachother.

But, there were also terrible days in our lifes...

I know, it's wrong to mention this but...

I wished i have protected you better, even if you are older then me i still wished i have when dad was on drugs, and was beating you up for no reason.

You stayed strong Minnie...

You were also strong like Unnie Miyeon...

But not all humans can stay strong all the time, we all have weak spots.

There were even some days when we cried alone together in eachothers embraces, and tried to comfort eachother do you remember these days?

You always were the first one to comfort me, but when i always tried to comfort you, you would shush me down and hug me while we boft cried.

Honestly Minnie...

I wish that i can go back in time, and solve all of our problems, but now it's too late for that because you're soul is no longer here...

I wish we did more stuff together...

I wish we didn't argue at all, i wish multiple thing's Minnie...

But most of all, you know what i wish for the most?...

I wish dad wasn't on drugs, and never did the things he did to us...

So that you all could be here whit me right now, but no...

Things turned out differently, and i honestly regret every moment we fought, and every moment i argued whit you.

Fly high Minnie, and the best for our future!

See you soon Minnie!...


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