🥀☆To Yuqi☆🥀

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Hey there gorgeous...

I really don't know how to start a conversation whit you, but I'll try my best because you deserve it.

Do you remember Soojin?...

You and her used to be best friends never leaving eachothers side's.

You guys would chit chat, and laugh together.

Remember when she would secretly go out in the night, go out for night walks and cry alone?...

Sometimes boft of you would go for night walks to, but most of the time she went alone, because she needed to clear her head, and mind from what was happening.

Soojin was a very talkative person when it comes to you, because she really liked you like a sister, she barely talked to us.

But we all understanded her pain, she clearly had the most trust in you and we all understand why.

She seemed to have trust issues, and she just wasn't like other people, she kept quiet and didn't stand up for herself when things got bad.

And that's what made her more weak that what she was already...

Remember when you would comfort her alone, you two would go in another room and you would wisper things in her ear to her, while she cried in you're arms.

You were the only person in the family, that would be able to comfort her when she cried.

There was times when we all would talk and laugh to.

We would all go out for ice cream and laugh together while we argued for who to pay.

Our Unnie Miyeon...

She always paid for it, and say that we should calm down, and not fight for the most simple things ever.

We would always listen to her she was our everything.

She was like our second mom...

Yuqi darling...

Tho there were times, when you also couldn't bare the pain whitch always made me sad, because i knew you could make it out alive, but you sadly gave up not very long ago dear...

The night you died...

You took like twenty pill's that weren't assigned by a doctor for you, and you drank them in one go..

We had no idea what you did, and didn't worried at all, but the horror began when you didn't wake up in the morning...

When i checked you're pulse and if you're heart was beating, my heart dropped to my stomach, and i felt sick to my stomach.

You weren't even breathing...

I quickly ran to the room that were all the pill's, and all the medication we had stuffed in there, and i looked over every single one, till i found the one you took...

My eyes started to tear up when i checked how many you took, and fell down to the ground crying, screaming while pulling my hair, and banging my head on the ground.

I knew you were dead...


Fly high dear, and never lose hope in anything, we all love you so much!


My Sister's |SOYEON x G-IDIE |Where stories live. Discover now