🥀☆To Shuhua☆🥀

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Hey there Angel...

The sunshine in our family...

How are you doing little one?...

I know, it was really hard for what you had to go through...

To be honest, you took the most pain everything since you're the youngest.

Our Unnie took pain to, but you...

You may wonder why i am here right now, and writing this message?

Well there's a really easy, and special explanation to that my dear Shu.

I came to write this message to you, since it's also my last before I'll be reunited whit you.


Do you remember when we used to be together, when we used to laugh, when we used to have little fights, when i slept next to you, because you were scared that dad will do something to you when you're asleep dear?...

Do you remember you're Unnie Soojin?

She would talk to Unnie Yuqi most of the time but she would always have saved some time for you to do you remember angel?...

She would try her best to make you laugh, and to take you're mind off the bad stuff that was happening around us, and that were going to happen around us, while she herself suffered from intense trust issues, and didn't talk to almost anyone...

She had many problems, but her number one thing on her list everyday was to see you're beautiful smile and laugh, so that she can make sure that you're okay and happy even when she was not.

I always tried my best to dear i did...

It would make me happy when the four of us, me, you, Unnie Yuqi, and Unnie Soojin would go out to the movies to watch something to see you smile and laugh.

But you were a very weak and sensitive girl, despite you're playful personality...

You were most of the time crying and suffering from our dad while i tried to calm you down and think of stuff to distract you...

I wanted also to say, that it wasn't you're fault that our mom died...

I know, i know you think that you were the reason mom died, while giving birth to you sadly she couldn't make it out alive.

Sometimes it got so bad that, you would even talk to an imaginary person and call them mom...

You don't know how bad i felt, i always tried my best to show you that i love you and you're Unnie's do to.

But i understand, the mother's love is a different thing from when you're sister's love you.

Sometimes you would even have nightmares, and i would have to calm you down because you couldn't sleep afterwards.

There were nights when we boft didn't sleep at all, but i didn't need sleep darling, i could have survived whitout sleep i just needed you by my side.

I even promised myself to protect you, and to let you live happy and nice childhood, but that wasn't possible...

The day you died was a full nightmare...

You were sick, and couldn't go to school, and me and you're Unnie's left you alone at the house whit our dad, even if we knew that it's a bad idea.

And let me tell you we regret it so much, darling we are so ashamed that we can't even ask you for forgiveness, because we don't deserve it at all...

When me and you're Unnie's were getting home from school, we heard screams, and crying we immediately ran inside the house screaming you're name and searching for you in the whole house.

We were horrified to see that you're naked, including our dad and we all gasped when we saw that...

I was the first one to run to our dad, and slap him so hard across the face that he actually fell down hard on the floor.

While you're Unnie's came to you, screaming you're name but the moment i slapped our dad, he let go off you and you fell down on the floor closing you're eyes while tears ran down you're cheeks.

I even screamed at him, my dear sunshine...

I screamed at him, asking him how he could do this all in screams, and i even slapped him across the face again dear.

He doesn't even deserve to be called a dad at this point...

While i was screaming at him our Unnie Miyeon, screamed at me that you were barely breathing, and i ran to you screaming while tears ran down my face...

We locked him, I don't even know what to call him anymore, he's just a monster he didn't deserve the wife, and kids he had...

I holded you in my arms and you slightly opened you're eyes.

And you said something, that made all of our hearts sink to our stomachs...

"I love you you all you so much, you all deserved better, I'm sorry that i was such a problem and a burden to you all, goodbye Unnie's."

You said whit a low breathy voice, and died in my amrs where there was blood everywhere, all over my amrs and even in you're privet area...

I still screamed and called the ambulance but it was too late...

Because when they came they checked you're pulse, heartbeat and breathing, they said that you were dead, and that they they were sorry...

We all cried so much, but it was useless...

You were a really good person, and younger sister Shu...

The world didn't deserve you my dear sunshine...

We don't deserve you're forgiveness.

We even had the most talk, i didn't talk this much to you're Unnie's.

Fly high angle, soon I'll also be up in the star's where you are right now, and take care of you!

And the six of us will do the stuff we never did, and be happy up in the sky.

I love you so much Shu, and so does all of you're Unnie's dear...


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