🥀☆To Soojin☆🥀

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Soojin, darling hello...

I don't want to bother you much, because i know you don't like talking to people...

I want your soul to be in peace, and not to be bothered, you're soal was too precious for this world darling...

You were the type of person, that was really quiet, and didn't like talking to people.

You only talked to one person in our family, and that was Yuqi.

Do you remember her?...

She was always by you're side, never leaving you for even a second, and i could tell only when you looked into her eyes, that you had the most trust in her.

You boft were best friends from the moment you two were boft you and Yuqi.

You're friendship whit Yuqi was beautiful...

You sometimes would talk to me, and to our other sister's, Miyeon and Minnie.

But you sadly didn't talk a lot to us, we didn't know exactly why, but we respectfully respected you're decision, and only talked to you only when you did sunshine...

And not to mention when you were in pain...

When you were you didn't talk to anyone, even to Yuqi.

Sometimes you would go out on walks alone at night, when there was no one and cry alone...

When you got beat up by our dad you didn't stand up for yourself, you let it happen like it was nothing you just silently let out tears...

You didn't hiss in pain, or nothing you just blankly stared too used to the pain it gives you.

But I'm happy...

Wana know why Soojin?

Because now you're not in pain, and are in heaven where you belong.

The world didn't deserve a precious person like you.

But remember, there were days when you and Yuqi would laugh till boft of you're stomachs would hurt?


You didn't deserve the way you died Soojin...

You just naturally died from our dad's abuse...

And you are not the only one that died from that.

Whitch it just hurts, because it's just too sad.

I don't want to make you sad or anything Soojin, believe me i want to make you're soal be happy because it wasn't in our world.

But i just still remember the night when dad was too much on drugs, and started to beat you up to the point that you would scream out in pain...

Eventually... The pain was too much for you're body to handle, and you passed away on the floor one night in front of my eyes...

Remember my screams?...

I screamed when you fell down on the floor, and just smiled while you laughed out the pain you said.

"I'm finally free!"

And you passed away smiling because you're body couldn't bare the pain you were all in blood...

I screamed and cried, but it was too late Soojin..

I even tried to tell the police, but no one believed me Soojin...

I myself was the one to take out you're dead body from our house, whit my own hands and cried while i watched you not react at all, because you're soal was not there...

But don't worry Soojin...

Soon enough i will be reunited whit you guys again...

Fly high Soojin and we love you so so much!

My Sunshine you didn't deserve what you had to go through in life...


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