Chapter 7 : Broken

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Nikisha POV:  

I tossed and turned in my bed, I can't sleep at all being alone in this big empty house is scary plus all of the things that have just gone down I don't even know how I'm still here and not in the bath room scaring my self to try and take away the pain... My phone started vibrating again this was the 5th time that craig called me, I really don't feel like talking to anyone I just want the pain to go away so badly. By closing my eyes I let my self drift off into the darkness and find sleep.

Craig's POV:

I'm getting worried about nikisha my phone is going through but she's not picking up my calls. I knew I shouldn't have left her and janay alone in the house with that woman beater I should've stayed by her side and make sure that she was gonna be ok.. But I didn't did I , I left like the coward I really am..STUPID! STUPID CRAIG!! 

That's it I'm going to see her tomorrow I don't care she more important,other things can wait .. I will go see her tomorrow and make sure that she is ok.

Shaun's POV:

I laid back in bed thinking about nikisha.. How could I be so stupid to let my anger get the best of me.. So badly that I laid my hands on the best friend that I ever had. I tossed and turned , I can't settle.. Its too much , I wanna shout so badly but I can't.. Is this what heartache feels like, well its painful and I don't like it at all. I need to see her I want to tell her I'm sorry for everything I've done. I need to see her tomorrow if I don't my hearts never gonna rest.

Chresanto's POV

"Who the fuck is Kieron?" I looked at Janay and all she could do was cry.. I didn't know what to do.. Why is this guy texting her, who is he to her.. God please tell me its not her boyfriend, I gently put my hand on her back to comfort her "Janay please just tell me.. Who is Kieron?" I tried to sound as calm as possible but deep inside i was scared of what the answer would be, She slowly looked up wiping her tears away from her eyes "i just wanted you to be safe i didn't want you to get hurt i ..." I cut her off before she could finish "what do you mean" she took a deep breath and looked down at her fingers before she spoke "Kieron is my ex boyfriend.. He got put in jail last year for abusing me and trying to kill my best friend.. Not only my best friend but every boy that i spoke to.. He was soo obsessed with me that he went completely off his mind and thought that every boy i spoke to was a threat to him.. And somehow he got out of jail and he's been following me ever since" she stopped talking and started to cry again "chres im sorry i didnt tell you" she was abused? i just sat there looking confused, why didn't she tell me this before.

Janay's POV

I just sat there and watched chres, his face kept on changing like he was trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. 'I'm sorry' the tears just kept on pouring from my eyes.. I stared at him.. " Chresanto please talk to me, say something Please" i pleaded as the tears carried on coming, and then he finally looked at me "i-i-i" he couldn't finish his sentence, to my surprise he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.. This hug didnt feel like any other hug me and chres shared it was like he had found something he had lost for so long, like there was a meaning to it "its ok janay.. Its ok " he said as he closed his eyes, i was so happy that he wasn't angry at me that would be the last thing i would want. We parted from the hug and i looked into his eyes with worry and regret "but what about kieron hes not joking chres and i dont want to see you get hurt" he smiled at me "Janay as long as im with you nothing can hurt me" 

Nikishas POV

I woke up from the annoying sound of my stupid alarm, why the hell do i have an alarm on when i dont even have collage today?, i sighed hard and rolled out of bed dragging my feet lazily across my bedroom floor i slowly walked to the bathroom. looking at myself in the mirror, i look like a mess there was water marks on my cheeks, wait..was i crying in my sleep? Ohh wells its not the first. i dont even want to fix up today im not in the mood to and im not even in the mood to see anyone i think i just want to be alone today to think about things, i cant handle anymore stress right now. Whilst in the bathroom i could hear my phone buzzing, i would guess its craig again i feel bad for not answering his calls but i just need some alone time.

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