Chapter 13

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Jami's pov

I was wiping away my tears, and so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. Someone sat next to me and I looked up and saw a dirty blonde guy, with deep, brown eyes. I smiled at him and he asked in a deep, raspy voice,"Are you alright?" I nodded and said,"Yeah, just having a bad day." He nodded and said,"You want to talk about it?" I shook my head quickly, and he asked,"What's your name?" I smiled and said,"Jami, what's yours?" He replied,"Austin." I nodded and we continued talking. I found out he is 18, moving here from Virginia. He moved away from his parents house to become independent. I finally noticed the sun was setting. I frowned and said,"The sun is setting and I gotta go, my friends will be worried." He nodded and said,"Can I walk you?" I nodded, getting up with his help. We walked back to the house and when we finally got there, I said,"Bye Austin, thank you for walking me and earlier" referring to the park. He suddenly pulled me into him and slammed his lips on mine. I pushed him off and I yelled,"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU'RE JUST GOING TO KISS ME LIKE THAT?!" I slapped him across the face and said,"We'll you didn't say anything about a boyfriend, and you were pretty flirty earlier. If you have a boyfriend, don't act like such a slut." He backed away from me and walked away. When he was out of sight, I slid down the wall, tears cascading down my face. Maybe my dad was right all of those years... No, he's just a stupid kid who doesn't know what he was talking about. Well, I might have been flirting. I wiped my tears and went inside. Julia, Anthony, and Henry sat on the couch. They turned towards me and looked at me confused when they saw a few tears I managed to miss. I walked upstairs, going straight to mine and Tyler's room. I knew what I had to do.

Tyler's pov

I was laying in bed, listening to music and waiting on Jami to get back. I sighed, my heart aching a little. I love her so much, I'm going crazy. Suddenly, I hear a bang and I sit up to see Jami with tears streaming down her face. I asked her frantically,"What's wrong babe? What happened?" She gasped for air from crying and said,"When I went to the park, I ran into this guy, and we were just talking at first. Then I needed to come home, and he offered to walk me. I let him and he kissed me. I promise, it was disgusting and I pushed him off." I smiled and walked towards her,"It's ok babe," I cooed,"I promise I'm not mad. She stepped back, with a frightened look in her eyes. "No! I think we need a break Tyler. I can't... I just need time." As she said this, she was backing out of the room. She turned around and practically flew away from me. I ran after her, chasing her out the door. Why was she running? I wasn't mad. I was upset, don't get me wrong, but I at least know she pushed him away. I continued chasing her, following her across the street, and into the woods. She tripped, falling and hitting the ground really hard. She groaned and I fell to my knees beside her and I felt her body shake, as I heard her soft sobs. I pulled her into my arms and said softly,"Why?" She sobbed and said,"Because when I pushed him away, he got mad and said I shouldn't be flirting if I have a boyfriend. Then he called me a slut. Just like my dad. I don't mean to be a slut or a flirt, and you deserve better than me." I pulled her tighter into my chest and said,"That's a lie, because you don't flirt, and you're not a slut. I love you, and there is no better than you. How about we forget the whole situation happened?" She shook her head and said,"I don't know if I still want to date. I love you, but I just... I don't know, they found out my mom is still alive today and I just went through something I've been through my whole life. Being called a flirt or a slut. It still it there, to just beat me up." I hugged her tighter and said,"Ok, I understand. Just, please promise you will still live at the house?" She nodded and said,"Ok, but I'm moving out of your room." My heart is crushed right now. It's crushed up so bad, the pieces are only grains of sand. I nodded and said,"Lets go, we have things to fix, I guess." My voice sounded strained and cold, I know she could hear it too. She nodded, climbing out of my arms. We walked back to the house in an awkward silence. We went through the front door, and every one was standing there, obviously wanting an explanation. Then I hear Jami say,"Henry, can I move into your room?" You can hear it in her voice as well, the strain. He nodded, going upstairs to help her move everything. I sighed, going to the kitchen to get a coke. "Is everything alright?" I turn to see Julia standing in the doorway. I shook my head and said,"It's over. She broke up with me. I'm not going into details into why, but I understand she needs some time." She nodded, giving me a sad smile. "If you need to talk," she said softly,"I'm here, ready to listen" before walking away into the living room. I went upstairs and helped them pack up everything and move it to his room. No body said a single word. It was silent.

We finally finished, and I decided to go get a shower. I walked by Henry's door, and decided to tell them goodnight. I opened it, seeing her asleep and Henry behind her with his arm around his waist. "Get your arm off of her!" I whisper hissed. He whispered,"Why is she moved into my room? Not that I mind." I hissed,"Because we're taking a break, not my idea." He nodded and said,"Sorry bro, night dude." I nodded and walked out. I couldn't stand to see them like that, laying in the same bed. I took a shower, then drying off and throwing on my sweats. I jumped into my cold, empty bed and stared at the ceiling, until I couldn't take it anymore.

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