Chapter 16

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Jami's pov

I was reading some book that had been laying on Tyler's bed when the door burst open. I looked up to see Tyler standing in the door way, staring at me. I waved at him and he still sat there, just staring at me. I tried to ignore him and read but his eyes were burning holes in my forehead. I sighed and sat the book to the side. "What do you want Tyler?" He smiled and said,"Since you asked, I would like it if you get dressed and follow me so I can show you something." I groaned and began,"Tyler-" he cut me off and said,"Trust me, just follow me please." He gave me the puppy dog eyes and I caved. "Fine, what do I need to wear?" He turned around, heading out the door and calling over his shoulder,"I would prefer no clothes but that's not legal, so just some shorts and a shirt will be fine." He closed the door behind him, leaving me alone to get ready.

I smiled as I picked out my clothes. I missed being with Tyler, but I needed to be strong. I can't be labeled a slut any longer, so I'll stay single for a while. I decided on my favorite jean shorts with a grey Volcom tee. I slid on my black Vans and fixed my hair into a messy, yet cute, bun. I washed my face and did light, natural make up before going to find Tyler. I found him in the living room, playing on his phone while I got ready. I thought about going back to my room and hiding, but the stairs squealed slightly, giving me away.

His eyes flew up to me and he smiled while looking me over. "Ready to go?" I nodded and followed him out the door. He lead me over to the woods and through the trees. I decided to make conversation as we made our way through the woods. "Where are you bringing me anyways? You don't plan on murdering me then discarding my body to you?" I was joking, but I was still curious. He chuckled and said,"Trying to trick me into telling you the surprise, yeah?" I laughed and said,"Maybe, that depends." He smiled on me and asked,"On what?" "It depends on if it's working."

He laughed and shook his head 'no'. I fake pouted and said,"Darn." He watched me and said,"Before I show you this spot, I need to ask you something." We were stopped now, semi surrounded with bushes. "Shoot." He smiled softly and grabbed my hands gently. My mind told me to pull away but I couldn't make myself. "When you broke up with me, you still love me right?" Before I could even think of lying to him, I nodded and replied,"I needed a break because I found out my mom was alive after all of those years and then that guy..." I realized I was leaning into him. Before I could pull away, he pulled me all the way in and kissed me. I kissed back automatically and wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted my legs and I wrapped them around his waist. His hand surprised me when he placed it on my butt, making me gasp. He took this chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

This kept going for a while, until I needed air. I pulled away, gasping. He didn't sit me down, he just held me as we caught our breath. I asked him, still slightly gasping,"Where does this leave us?" He smiled softly and said,"That kiss leaves me turned on, I don't know about you, but that was great." I smacked his shoulder for his first comment, but I smiled. I pecked his lip and I said,"I don't think you will, but do you think you could take me back?" He frowned and said,"It was so bad you want to go back to the house?" My eyes widened and said,"No! I mean in our relationship!" He smiled and nodded. " Of course I'll take you back." He pecked me on the lips once again.

He finally sat me down and pulled me through the bushes. There was a waterfall, which lead down to a small stream. He lead me away from the waterfall, where we were following the flow of the river. We held hands as we walked, enjoying the scenery. We came up on a pond, which was deep enough for us to swim in. Before giving it a second thought, I pulled him towards the water. I tried to anyways, except he wouldn't budge. I kept pulling on him, but he stayed planted to the ground he was standing on. I huffed and asked," Will you come swim with me?" He didn't answer, but he took my hair down, before pressing his lips softly to mine. I was surprised, but after a moment, I kissed back. Suddenly, I was surrounded by cold water. I surfaced to see Tyler cracking up. I glared at him and I decided to get him back. I looked a bit worried and said," Tyler, I think I cut my foot on a log, could you help me back onto the dock so you can look at it?" He nodded and reached his hand out and I pretended to not be able to reach it. " I can't reach, you need to get a little closer." He scooted forward a tiny but and I grabbed his hand and pulled him in next to me.

He surfaced next to me, looking shocked and I laughed at his expression. I swam a little closer and pecked him on the lips. We played around for a while, swimming and having a good time. The sun began to set, so we headed back home. We got into dry pj's and went to bed. I said,"Love you, good night." He mumbled back a reply that I couldn't understand as he fell asleep. I watched him for a while before falling asleep for myself.

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