Chapter 1

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* It will be the day of the finals to graduate from the ninja academy and become Genin (the lowest level of ninja). Today would be the written exam and tomorrow would be the practical.

*I would have just entered the class for the written exam and as soon as I would enter a stupid wooden box would fall on my head. Everyone around would chuckle, and a certain guilty blonde would be laughing the hardest.

Naruto - You fell for it again, loser, you're so pathetic.

Ayame - "I'll just ignore him and take my seat."

Sasuke - Idiots "he will say coldly."

Ayame - Takes one to know on. "I will say under my breath." (why did I say that)

Sasuke - What did you say, "he says angrily while walking towards me from his seat in the front of the class to mine in the back."

Ayame - (Why did I even open my mouth; I should have just kept my mouth shut like always)

Sasuke - (who the hell does she think she is)

Ino - Don't talk to Sasuke that way, he is so cool and handsome and perfect "Another 10 fangirls would scream yeah to back her up."

*To be fair I think Sasuke was more annoyed with the fangirls then me

Ayame - "I wouldn't even look up; I'll just keep my eyes on my book and not give a bother. It's really annoying that all the girls fangirl over him, to think about it the only girls that aren't obsessed with him are me and Hinata."

*By the time the fangirls would be done, Sasuke would be facing me, while my attention will still be on my book. Sasuke would get closer to me in an attempt to intimidate me when somebody will push him from behind and he would fall on me, and we would end up on the floor with him on top of me. His face will be so close to mine and I will feel my heart start to race, and I swear I saw him blush in embarrassment. All the girls would erupt, with me being so close to their precious Sasuke. They are all so obsessed with his midnight blue hair, his dark blue eyes and his cool deminer, and me being anywhere close to all of that is a problem for them.

Sasuke - "he will quickly get of me and standup."

Ayame - "As soon as I will get to my feet, I will tidy myself and sit back down on my seat."

*Every one of the boys will be laughing and the girls would be ready to pounce on me, but Iruka sensei would enter causing the whole room to go silent, I will put away my book as he would pass the papers around. Everyone will start writing as the test would begin.

*After the test ended everyone started to leave the classroom and gather outside in groups of friends. I on the other hand went to go sit on the swing set alone.

Ayame - "I will sigh and sink into the swing as Hinata came over."

Hinata - Ayame "I will look up at her acknowledging her presence" don't let Naruto get to you, he probably doesn't mean it. "She would whisper."

Ayame - "I would nod in agreement even though I know he means every word. "Thanks,66t Hinata "Hinata would leave" "I know that she would have a little crush on Naruto since we were nine, she stares at him, she seems to see something worth liking in him, I don't know, maybe the Naruto I knew is the one she sees, I don't know how but that has to be it."

*I would leave my thoughts when I will realize I'm all alone again and everyone has someone to talk to. A single tear would escape my eye but I would wipe it away quickly.

*The Next Day

*It will be the day of the practical exams. Everyone will be called into a room one by one and the three judges, the third hokage, lady fifth and an Anbu captain would take our test.

*After a few people i would be called in

Lord 3rd - You have to show us the clone jutsu, target or kunai practice and a jutsu of your choice.

*I would first produce a clone, but my clone won't be great it will be a little distorted. I don't know why but this is the one jutsu that gives me trouble every time, I can do a lot of more advanced jutsu's but when it comes to this one, I just can't do it right.

* I will hit the bullseye on all the targets for target practice.

Lord 3rd - Now you just have to perform a jutsu of your choosing.

Ayame - "I would give a small nod and start producing hand signs."

Lord 3rd - (There is no way)

Anbu captain - (I can't believe she is trying that jutsu)

*I would finish my hand sighs when a large water dragon would form and splash water all over the room. All three of them looked surprised that I could pull it off.

Ayame - Sorry for the mess, but may I go or would you like be to anything else "I would say in a monotonous voice."

Lord 3rd - Yes, you may go.

*After I left.

Anbu captain - I know she was part of the core and the youngest to ever enter but to think she mastered such a jutsu at her age.

Lady Tsunade - Even I wasn't aware she had mastered that jutsu.

*As I will leave the classroom, as soon as I would close the door behind me, Naruto would star bothering me.

Naruto - Hey cherry top "he would say referring to my crimson red long hair " You're going to fail right since you're a complete idiot. "He and his jolly band of imbeciles would start laughing."

*I would just ignore the insult and go to my seat; I generally don't like indulging in conflict, I don't even know why I snapped at Sasuke yesterday, I would generally ignore a basic comment like idiot, it's easier that way, fighting with people is pointless, plus I'm used to it by now.

*As I would reach my desk things like loser, witch, red haired freak, monster, idiot, trash and so many other horrible things would be written on it.

Ayame - "I would just stare at the insults with an emotionless face, but sadness would fill my eyes" (why am I even affected by this still, what is wrong with me I shouldn't care)

Sasuke - (She almost looks hurt, is she actually sad)

*We will all walk out of the classroom as the exams would be over and as all of us would be leaving Sasuke would brush by next to me.

Sasuke - You ok "He would mumble."

Ayame - Huh, yes, just fine "I would give him a small smile, it would be a fake one, but I've been doing this so long that my smile has become quite believable" (why does he even care)

*I will quickly leave because I have to get to work, and lady Tsunade is hopeless with documents she probably has no idea what to do.

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