Chapter 4

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*Later that day I will be walking home after working for lady Tsunade and I will find Iruka sensei who should probably still be at the hospital roaming around.

Ayame - Sensei, you shouldn't be out of the hospital yet. I need to take you back.

Iruka sensei - No "he would whine" I got out to have food, the food there is terrible and ichiraku Ramen is so good. So, you want to join me.

Ayame - Fine, sure, it's been a while since I ate here.

*We will sit down and get a bowl of Ramen quietly.

Ayame - Even better than I remember "I will smile happily."

Iruka - Ayame could I ask you a question about what happened earlier today.

Ayame - Ah, yeah, sure "I would say with my smile dimming down."

Iruka sensei - Do you actually remember everything from that night.

Ayame - Yes, I do "I would say as my smile would completely disappear."

Iruka sensei - Did you lose someone close to you in the war two or were you just an orphan that happened to be in the village like what is written in all your documents. "His tone will be soft and sober."

Ayame - why would you ask that, of course with the document say is the truth. My parents died when I was three months old, then I was brought to the village spas an orphan, I never knew my parents and I don't know who they are. "I will say in a doubtful tone with a fake smile."

Iruka sensei - I know you're lying to me Ayame so please tell me the truth. I need to know if I was wrong to believe you were never hurt, while the thing inside you hurt everyone else. I need to know if I was negligent to your pain when I blamed you for mine. If you are afraid, I will tell someone I, won't I promise.

Ayame - Sensei I..

Iruka sensei - Just tell me the truth.

Ayame - I did lose someone, I lost people who were close to me in that war. They were killed by the nine tales eight years ago. The elders decided to tell everyone the story about me being an orphan and they changed my records because they didn't want anyone to know who my parents were or who I was.

Iruka sensei - I'm so sorry Ayame, I haven't been a good sensei to you have I. Taking out all my anger at you and blaming you for something that isn't your fault. I'm so sorry. "He will hug me."

Ayame - Sensei, it's alright, you were the best sensei I could have asked for the best sensei ever. You defended me and believed in me and protected me. Thank you for everything. Now let's just enjoy the ramen shall we. "I will say in a happy tone."

Iruka sensei - Yes, and let's celebrate you graduating. "He will hand me his headband" you passed, no one who can do the shadow clone jutsu should be stuck in the academy.

Ayame - Sensei but that's yours "I would say in a surprise tone."

Iruka sensei - And now it's yours

Ayame - Thank you!! (I guess this is the year I go back to being a ninja. Sayuri I will make you proud and fulfil our dream and my promise to you)

*After the meal it would start raining so I would offer to wait it out at my house as it will be right next door.

*We well enter my apartment, and I would turn on the lights as Iruka sensei's eyes would go straight to the pile of papers on my desk.

Iruka sensei - What's with all the papers. Don't tell me that's left over homework.

Ayame -  I'm sorry for the mess, it's all the papers I have to sort out for lady Tsunade.

Iruka sensei - Why would you be doing that, and why the hell are there so many piled up.

Ayame - I work as an assistant, you know to earn money and the answer to your second question is lady Tsunade is hopeless with her documents so it's always like this.

Iruka sensei - Doesn't lady Tsunade give you an allowance.

Ayame - She offered me money, but I would rather earn it, and anyway at the moment the village needs all its funds to go into rebuilding and strengthening our defenses.

Iruka sensei - looks like the rain stopped, I should get going. (she is quite responsible for her age; I never expected a child to worry so much about the village's finances)

Ayame - Alright, by Iruka sensei. I had fun thanks for the Ramen. Take care of yourself.

*The next day I would tell lady Tsunade that I would like to be a genin and that I would want to graduate this year.

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