Chapter 3

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*It will be the next day after the exam and I will be reading at the bottom of a tree when Mizuki sensei will show up.

Mizuki sensei - Ayame I have a favor to ask you.

Ayame - What is it.

Mizuki sensei - I need you to get me lord 2nd scroll, the hokage told me to get it but I am busy.

Ayame - Okay sure where is it. I will get it for you, I just have to run it by lady Tsunade first.

Mizuki sensei - Don't do that, I am telling you just do it. I got clearance. It is in the east wing of the Hokage building. After you get it meet me in the forest, and Lady Hokage is out so get it straight to me. "He will say demandingly."

Ayame - (that's weird but he is a superior, I should just do it)

*I would get the scroll and go to the forest. Once I will take it people will think I stole it so some shinobi would be dispatched to find me. While I would be in the forest waiting for Mizuki sensei I would get bored and open the scroll deciding to learn a jutsu.

*Iruka sensei will be confused on why I would decide to steal the scroll all of a sudden and will come looking for me. As he would be wandering he would find me stumbling and falling onto the ground.

Iruka sensei – I found you, you can't hide from us after what you were going to do.

Ayame – Now what, who am I hiding from again, and what did I do this time that you people are angry with me, again.

Iruka sensei – You stole the scroll, and you were going to run away and sell it.

Ayame – No, I didn't steal the scroll, Mizuki sensei asked me to get it for him and he told me he got permission from lady Tsunade. I knew it, he was lying, I should have never trusted him. "I would say pissed."

Iruka sensei – What, Mizuki why would he ask you to take it.

Mizuki sensei – So you got it. Now hand it over kid

Ayame – First tell me what the hell you're going to do with it, I was suspicious from the start but now, I know you haven't gotten permission, I will never give it to you.

Mizuki sensei – Give it. I am the only one who will accept you. Everyone else is keeping a secret from you especially Iruka. He really hates you. "He would say deviously."

Iruka sensei - Don't listen to him. Give me the scroll. He's lying to you Ayame.

Mizuki - He is hiding something from you. Everyone is trying to hide it from you, that's why they hate you so much.

Iruka sensei - Misuki don't "he will say pleadingly"

Mizuki - Everyone is disgusted and scared of you because you have the nine tailed beast inside you. You are a beast, a monster.

Ayame - " I would laugh hysterically"

Iruka - (Does she think this is a joke, what's wrong with her)

Ayame - You really think you all are keeping this a secret from me. You actually think I don't know what is inside me, that's a good one.

Mizuki – How would you know that lord 3rd banned everyone from saying anything about that or he said there would be consequences.

Ayame - of course I know. Turns out people forget how to do math. The nine-tails attack happened eight years ago, and I am 13 that means I was five when it happened, and I remember everything from that night like it happened yesterday. I remember the nine-tails being put in me; I remember seeing all the people there die. The ban was to try and protect me, to maybe give me a chance at a normal life, but that didn't work the rumors spread, and even though they don't exactly know what me is inside they know to hate me or to fear me.

Iruka sensei - Ayame you... So, you have known this whole time.

Mizuki - You might know that, but don't trust Iruka, he really hates you, a lot more than anyone else because the nine tails killed his parents.

Ayame - " I would just stand there frozen from head to toe, with my face full of terror, horrified by the truth." (It could be true, would be true then why was he nice to me.)

*In that moment of hesitation Mizuki sensei will throw a large shuriken at me and I won't even move an inch, I would almost be hit when Iruka sensei will shield me by throwing himself in the way.

Ayame -Why, why would you save me. "I will say shaken up."

Iruka sensei - Take the scroll and hide, now Ayame.

Ayame - No you're injured, I can't just run.

Iruka sensei - Go now, hid run, anything.

*I would do as I was instructed in the sheer shock of the whole situation. I would hide behind a tree trying to assess the situation.

Mizuki – Why are you saving that beast. She did kill your parents right.

Iruka sensei - Yeah, the nine-tails is a monster

*My eyes would shed a tear

Iruka sensei - But Ayame isn't like that. She is a person. She is Ayame Uzumaki of the leaf. She is not that beast, she is kind, she works hard, puts her whole heart into it. So no I do not hate her, not one bit.

*A smile will appear on my face as I would realize he doesn't hate me.

Mizuki - that's fine I will just kill you and then kill her to get the scroll.

*I would run from my hiding place to help my sensei.

Ayame - if you touch my sensei I will kill you.

Mizuki - you can't even hurt me let alone have the guts to kill me.

*I would perform some hand signs and I would make more than 100 clones of myself. I would attack him and beat him up and then tie him to a tree.

Iruka sensei - when did you learn that jutsu.(Those were just ordinary clones. Those of physical clones, ones that can hurt a person.)

Ayame - well I was getting quite bored sitting alone in the forest so I decided that I might as well learn a new jutsu while I was at it.

Iruka sensei - (so she learned that jutsu in less than an hour. That's impressive) Ahh "Groan" (At this rate I'm going to bleed out if I don't get medical ninjutsu) Ayame you need to call...

Ayame - "I will move closer to him and inspect the wound, then I will perform hand signs to use medical ninjutsu." Hold still sensei, I will try to heal all I can. Don't move or you will bleed out. "At the sight of his wound I would feel horrible as a tear will roll down my cheek which I will wipe away as soon as it will fall and a sad expression will take over my face."

Iruka sensei - "with a painful smile" It's not your fault I got hurt, so don't blame yourself Ayame. It's my duty to protect you and you are not that beast, what it did isn't your fault.

*Before I could respond another ninja will find us. They will try to capture me, but Iruka sensei explain that it isn't my fault, so they'll let me off the hook with just some dirty looks. Mizuki sensei would be caught and will be taken away and Iruka sensei would be taken to the hospital. I would be escorted to the hokage's office to explain the situation.

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