The 'Alleged' C Mission!

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Ayani ' s POV

"Sakura, at point A."
"Hn. Sasuke, point B."
"Naruto, at point C! Dattebayo!"
"..."Static was heard.
"Kakashi Sensei, where is Ayani?" Sakura asked.
They all looked towards their target, a lost cat named Tora.
Turns out, I had the cat on my head the whole time.

"Come on, let's finish this mission already." I yelled, causing all 4 of them to sweatdrop.
"Ayani, you need to stick to protocol." Kakashi lectured.
"In other words, do what you say, like a mindless zombie?" I asked.
"Er... No," he replied as if he was going to say more, but couldn't find the right words.

Back at the Hokage' s Mansion, the client hugged her newly found cat half to death.
'Now I know why that cat ran away in the first place...' everyone seemed to think.
"I'm bored of these missions! Give me a harder one Gramps!" Naruto shouted.
Once he said that, I zoned out.

'I'm better not get myself in anymore trouble... if I do, I'll have to answer to Naomi... with her motherly intentions,'
I mumbled internally. 'I swear, if she pulls that act one more time, I will explode...'

I get thrown back to reality as Naruto screams. "Who are we protecting? A feudal lord? A princess?" I guess he got what he wanted after all.
"No. You will be protecting and escorting the master bridge builder, Tazuna." The 3rd Hokage states as the door opens, revealing a drunken man.
"I hope you will protect me whatever the cost, even at the cost of your own lives!"
I immediately roll my eyes and sigh. This was going to be a long day.
"And what's with the small dumb kid?"

We suddenly line up by height.
Then Naruto.
Sasuke being the tallest, Naruto the smallest.

Naruto piped up, screaming. "What!? I'll DESTROY you!"
Kakashi holds him back, stating " You cannot destroy the person you are protecting."
He then turns to all of us. "Ok, you can now go home and pack. Be at the gates in an hour."
We all then go our separate ways.

At home, I go into my closet, grabbing a scroll to put my items in.
In it, I store extra clothes, a few apples and some shuriken and kunai.
I store the small scroll in my pack.

After that, I change into my ninja clothes (a black tank top with fish netting underneath, and Jean shorts) , and make my way to the door .
"Ayani , wait ! I have something to give you!" Naomi pleaded.
I waited by the door as she runs to her room.
A while later she comes back with a familiar sword.
I gasp as she hands it to me.
"It's Shisui ' s sword..." I looked down at the sword as my voice cracked.
"I want you to take it with you, so Shisui will watch over you." Naomi gives me a closed eyed
I put it on just as Shisui had it, on his back.
"Thanks..." I whispered, not knowing if she heard me or not.
I left for the gates soon after.

When I arrived at the gates, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were there. So all we were waiting for was Kakashi and the client.
Naruto stared at me. "Wow, Ayani-Chan, you look amazing!"
I swear, Naruto reminds me of Naomi.
As Naruto yelled, Sakura and Sasuke looked at me.
"Naruto... don't add 'Chan' to my name."

"Ayani, why do you always have to wear your hair down?" Sakura butted in, causing Naruto and Sasuke to be interested in my answer.
"Er... My brother," I looked down. " he always liked it that way."
Sasuke immediately notices my uneasiness about a topic that related to him, so he stopped bugging me.
But the other two, they were stubborn.
"Where is your brother?" Naruto asks, earning a bash from Sakura ,as she stepped off.
But Naruto, man, he wouldn't stop until he got a answer.


I looked away, not letting Naruto see my emotions.

Sasuke yanked Naruto by the hand and whispered into his ear.

"Oh...I'm sorry Ayani..."

Thankfully, Kakashi appeared with the client.
"You were late...Kakashi Sensei..." I stated in a dark tone.

Kakashi ' s POV

"You were late...Kakashi Sensei..." Ayani stated in a dark tone, her back to me.
I looked at her, staring at the ANBU sword on her back.
' Shisui ' s sword... she must still be mourning about his death,or, something else?'

"Let's go, I'm sure you want to get over there with time before sundown." Ayani says.

The first hour, Naruto and Tazuna continuously insult each other,causing in my irritation.

Ayani ' s POV

I stop, causing everyone behind me to stop.

"SHUT UP AND WALK SILENTLY! YOU TWO ACT LIKE PRESCHOOLERS FIGHTING OVER A COOKIE! IF YOU DONT SHUT YOUR TRAPS," I place my hand on Shisui ' s sword, and turn on my Sharingan, making my eyes go crimson red, with three commas. "I WILL SHUT IT FOR YOU, PERSONALLY."

That sure got them quiet, FAST.

Kakashi ' s POV

Ayani was furious. Her hand went on the sword as she threatened the two, without looking back. But what I also noticed, was that her Chakra spiked, and that she was focusing it into her eyes. Is it possible that she could have the Sharingan?
But then she'd be the first to unlock it...

It's a possibility.

We all continued walking in silence. Her Chakra soon returned to normal, as she seemed to calm down.

Ayani ' s POV

We soon came across a puddle.

'But it hasn't rained...'

I look to Kakashi, who nodded slightly.
We continued walking as two ninja came out of the puddle, wrapping their chains around Kakashi, ripping him to shreds.
"Kakashi Sensei!" Sakura wailed.
The ninja came after me and Sasuke.
I kicked him to a tree.
Shaking his head, he came towards me ready to strike.
I ducked under the chain once he swung it, and it got stuck into a tree.
I put Chakra into my fist, punching the guy, knocking him unconscious.
Once I turned around, Kakashi had reappeared, capturing the other guy.

"Sasuke, good job."
"Sakura, well done."
"Ayani, well executed."
"Naruto, I didn't think you'd freeze up like that."

After Kakashi was done, Sasuke turned to Naruto.
" Are you hurt, scaredy cat?"

I stared at Tazuna. "This isn't a C ranked mission is it?"
He stares at me, confused.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about."
"You lied about the mission difficulty."
Kakashi nodded.
"She's right."
"We were only meant to protect you from robbers, not ninja."

"We are going to have to go back, Naruto has poison in his blood now." Sakura stated.
Naruto then stabbed his hand with a kunai.
"You know, it's good that you got the poison out of your system, but now you could die of blood loss." I warn.
Naruto screamed, as I walked over to him to patch his hand up with bandages.
' I have a feeling this mission will be difficult ...'

Well, nothing can be worse than it already is...
Can it?

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