The Crazy Mission (FILLER)

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Ok, I'm going off Manga/Anime course right now, I know, but I don't know what to write...
Please.. bear with me, reader sempai...

The filler days have come, because I don't know what to write next...
It's the Filler Purge! X.X

(This storyline will not tie into the main plot, EVER. What happens here will not continue in the real story.)
THANK U tomkeiferfan89 FOR THIS IDEA... I don't think The Last Uchihas would have been good off without an update... XD
Don't hate on her, cause if u do, u die lol. Better this than nothing! ^.^

Ayani ' s POV

I woke up in my room.

I walked out of my room, seeing Naomi making breakfast.
"Morning!" Naomi chirps, as I say the same back.
Finishing my breakfast, I walk to Sasuke, who was passing by my house.

"Come on Ayani, we have a mission with Kakashi Sensei."
I follow by him, as we come up to Naruto and Sakura.
"Hiya Naruto!" I salute as Naruto comes up.

"Why are you coming over with Sasuke-Teme..?" Naruto whines, as Sasuke rolls his eyes.
Naruto snaps towards Sasuke.
"What are you rolling your eyes at?!" He yells, irritated.

"... I don't know, you, I guess."

At that, I crack up.

"Funny one, Sasuke, good way of irritating Naruto further!" I laugh, making Naruto pout.

Kakashi then appears.
"You're late!" We all yell in unison, making Kakashi sweatdrop.
"Ahem... anyway, we have a mission."

Naruto starts throwing questions at Kakashi, causing Sakura to smack him so he'll shut it.
"What's the mission?" Sasuke asks, waiting patiently.

Kakashi continues.
"We have to check the perimeter. Apparently, there is a girl someone saw, who was scaring animals..."

I sweatdrop. Really? Animals?
"Any description of her?" Sasuke continues, wanting to get this mission over with.

"She has white hair, snow surrounds her, and she doesn't have an affiliation with any village we know of."Kakashi answers, seeing a scowl on my face.

"Probably from the Land of Iron..." I mutter.

"Ok, let's go." Kakashi ignores my comment, wanting to find the girl.

"Well, this'll be fun..." Sasuke says sarcastically.
"What do you mean, 'this'll be fun'?" I snap, earning Sasuke ' s attention.
"It's dumb, and quite idiotic..."
"I was being sarcastic..." Sasuke answers.

Guess I didn't notice...

Out on nowhere, Naruto pounces on something, or more like, someone.
"Guys... I think I got her!" Naruto yells, as we hear muffled talking.

"Naruto... get off her..." I say, growling at the sight of the snow.
'Brings back memories...memories I'd rather forget, to be honest...'

The girl attempts to stand up, falling to the ground instead.

"She's weak," Sasuke states, helping her up.
"Naruto, since you were the baka that tackled her, you help her walk."
He begrudgingly does so.

"So, let's take her to the village in the Land of Iron." Kakashi says, making my eyes widen.

"WHAAAAT?! WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING THERE?! WELL ISN'T THIS JUST PEACHY?!" I yell, causing everyone to look at me in shock, exept for Kakashi.

"Yes, any objections?" He challenges.

"No," I grit my teeth in a growl. "No objections."

Sasuke ' s POV

"I hope you feel like walking then..." Ayani growls, obviously itching with excitement to go on this mission.
Why does she hate that place so much?
As we start walking, Ayani stays at the back, growling to herself.

Isn't she just a little lollipop triple dipped in anger.

I slow down a bit to talk to her.
"Hey, Ayani? Why do you hate that place so much?" I practically whisper.

"It's...." She sighs,"it's just that someone I want to kill is over there..." I watch her look at me with anger in her eyes, just not directed at me.

"I know how you feel, but just calm down about it... you'll kill this person in time..."

She scoffs, and comes up with a smart remark.

"Whatever you say, Mr. I NEED to kill someone."

We continue on our journey to the Land of Iron.

'This is a crazy mission...'

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