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In Jannat mansion we can see an old man sitting in front of the porch and talking with some people who came to update about the arrangements at the temple.

After talking with them old man went inside towards the kitchen. In kitchen he saw an old woman preparing breakfast. He slowly back hugged her.

Old woman : what is this old man you are not young to romance

Old man : who said I am not young I am not an old man like your grand son who is always sulking and sitting there with a sullen expressions.

Suddenly they heard a cough to be precise a fake cough.

Old couple turned towards the intruder only to come face to face with a young man.

Old man (murmur) : vachadu na romance break cheyadaniki (he came to break my romance)

Young man : I heard that old man

Old man : I know, I said for you to hear

Young man : excuse me

Old man : you are excused

old man replied with an attitude.

Seeing their banter old woman shook her head and said firmly

Old woman : Mr. HARSH MALHOTRA and Mr. MANIK MALHOTRA I want you both to be on dinning table within 60 seconds.

And yes they are Harsh Malhotra, Gayatri Malhotra and Manik Malhotra.

Listening gayatri both manik and harsh ran towards dining table because they can't afford to offend gayatri Malhotra.

Soon their break fast was served and they started to eat but manik was playing with his food without eating and eagerly waiting for a call.

Seeing him like that harsh was smiling mischievously to tease him but one glare from gayatri harsh was silent sulking as he missed the chance to tease his grandson.

After eating his breakfast harsh went to check the jathara (carnival/festive) arrangements himself.

Here manik was sitting in the living room and doing his work. Gayatri was beside him reading some medical books. As gayatri was a retired doctor she started to read ayurvedic books.

One of the hobby and interest both gayatri and nandini have is to read ayurvedic books and researching about them even navya started to read and research them seeing both gayatri and nandini.

When they are involved in their own world suddenly, they heard the commotion outside the house. Both grandson and grandmother gave each other a look as what is happening and asking each other through eyes as are you expecting someone but both shook their heads as no at the same time. Even before they could ponder over this, they saw some unexpected people entering inside.

Mean while their conversation was going then enters murthy and Malhotra couple with evils.

Seeing the Jannat mansion evils are mind blown. Even murthy and Malhotra couple stood rooted seeing this beautiful mansion.

Alya : wow dad this is awesome

Mukti : yeah dad even I want one like this

Dhruv : this is simply awesome

Abhi : this is cool

Mukti : dad why can't we buy one like this

Dhruv : why buying one don't you forget that this is our grand parents mansion so we can get this by them

Mukti : yeah I will ask grandpa to write this mansion in my name.

Listening this raj and neyonika said nothing to correct mukti as they know that this mansion is in the name of harsh Malhotra and after harsh it will only belong to manik and no one else.

Raj : okay enough of this lets go inside. They all moved inside only to stop listening gayatri's shout.

Seeing them both gayatri and manik stood in their places. Seeing them manik's mood was off. He kept a poker face and gayatri shouted

Gayatri : stop right there

Raj : amma

Gayatri : who is your amma? Why are you here?

Neyonika : athaya (mother-in-law) we are here to see you people

Listening this manik scoffed and said sarcastically

Manik : after 20 years

Listening manik all of their heads turned towards him.

Neyonika : manik?

Listening neyonika asking questioningly manik couldn't control and spoke.

Manik : wow nanamma (paternal grandmother) I think I am the first child who got this great opportunity to introduce myself to my own parents

Manik said that sarcastically with hate filled eyes. Listening manik neyonika and raj hung their heads low. Dhruv and mukti didn't like the tone manik used on their parents

Before anyone could say anything, they heard an angry voice of harsh Malhotra.

Harsh : what are you doing here

Raj : nanna (father / dad )

Neyonika : we are here for jathara (carnival / festive ) and to meet you all

Harsh : stop right there not a word more why you people are here and the reason you just stated was not true even you know that so stop bluffing me.

Listening harsh neyonika stopped herself from uttering a word. So harsh continued.

Harsh : as per the traditions of shankaranarayanapuram the one who knocked your door steps on the jathara (carnival / festive) days we should not turn them back, only for this reason I am allowing you people inside. I don't want to see you people after jathara (carnival / festive) in my home.

Saying sternly harsh called ramu who is an old servant in Jannat to show them guest rooms.


about jannat?

about manik?

about harsh and gayatri?

about mm couple?

about evils?

about mukti?

about dhruv?



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