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Today is the second day of festival. Everyone came to temple early morning. Evils whine for the same but they can't miss that.

Soon everyone reached to temple.

Alya : what is this ma it is midnight yet you dragged us here.

Mukti : see ma even sun didn't rise

Neyonika, maya : shut up both of you

Swamiji with pantulu garu (priest) came towards malhotra couple who are next to them. Until now neyonika, maya, alya and mukti didn't notice this that they are standing next to malhotra couple.

Swamiji : amma where are nandini and manik

Gayatri : they are coming with priya and cabir Swamiji

Priest : amma where are ram and navya

Harsh : they are looking after the arrangements in the mandapam (stage)

They all reached the mandapam (stage) where lord shiva with goddesses Parvati are present in ardhanarishvara form (half shiva and half Parvathi) with lord Vishnu and goddesses Lakshmi are present in the form of Vaikuntha-Kamalaja (half Narayan and half Lakshmi).

Seeing the two idols amaze evils as they didn't know that the two idols are made of same material and are look-alike but are different.

Soon enough manik and nandini with priya and cabir came there. Seeing manik and priya together made neyonika jealous. Seeing nandini in saree and manik In Pancha made them look cute.

Swamiji : manik and nandini come forward.

Manan came forward towards Swamiji and stood right in front of idols.

Swamiji gave a vendi binde (silver pot).

Swamiji : nandini and manik you both have to take bath in koneru (pond which is situated in temple) and nandini you should bring water in this vendi binde from koneru to here 108 times to do the abhishekam.

Listening Swamiji manan nodded their heads and are going towards koneru. But neyonika interrupted them.

Neyonika : but Swamiji abhishekam should be done by malhotra daughter-in-law right.

Swamiji : yes and malhotra daughter-in-law is only doing this

Neyonika : but..

Even before neyonika could ask anything gayatri interrupted her.

Gayatri : muhurtham (auspicious time) is going neyonika don't interrupt the festival.

Listening this raj stopped neyonika from saying anything further even he wanted to know but he stopped seeing harsh glares.

Everyone moved towards koneru with manik and nandini.

Manan went inside koneru folding their hands with namaskaram posture and they turned towards east where sun rises. They both sank three times in koneru. When they are coming out after their bath in koneru nandini leg slipped but even before she could fall into koneru manik held her in his arms.

Manik steadied her posture and both came out. Nandini took vendi binde (silver pot) into her hands and started going again towards koneru with wet clothes in that early summer breeze  which made her shiver.

Seeing this manik was concern towards her.

Manik : jaan be careful

Nodding her head nandini started moving towards koneru.

Ram : manik you can change your clothes

Manik : no dad I am fine

Ram : but manik

Manik : its okay dad even jaan is in wet clothes.

Ram knew manik won't listen now

Seeing nandini bringing water in vendi binde (silver pot) everyone started moving with nandini towards mandapam (stage). Manik stood right beside her.

After coming towards mandapam nandini started pouring water on the idols manik too supported her while pouring. This made them look like a made for each other couple.

Seeing them like that everyone smiled except MM couple and evils.

Swamiji : everyone sit here while nandini brings water from koneru 108 times, cabir and navya you both be there near koneru. If in case nandini need you. Mind you don't touch nandini. While she is bringing water.

Listening this everyone sat there in mandapam itself and cavya moved with manan.

Soon nandini started to bring water in vendi binde and started pouring them on the idols with manik helping her in pouring.

Seeing them together alya felt jealous when nandini completed 75 turns alya couldn't control seeing manan and spoke.

Alya : Swamiji how come manik is touching her you said that no one should touch her.

Swamiji : yes I said no one should touch nandini while she is bringing water but manik is touching her when she already brought water. And don't you know the meaning of these idols in front of you.

Listening Swamiji MM couple frown they know the meaning of these idols are that both husband and wife are same or you can say they are of same soul but they don't know the connection between these idols and manan. They are getting the vague idea now regarding this.

After listening Swamiji alya shut her mouth and stood silent seeing manan together made her jealous and angry.

Soon nandini finished 108 times and every time manik is with nandini he didn't sit in mandapam he went with nandini and came back with nandini and protecting her. They both together pouring water on the idols. 


Ragupathi Raghav rajaramPatheetha paavana sitaramSundar vigraha meghashyamGanga Thulasi shaalighramBhadhra gireeshwar sitaramBhakta Jana priya sitaramJaanaki ramana sitaramJaya jaya Raghava sitaram

JAI SHREE RAM!!!!!!!!!



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