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HEYY GUYS.........

DOUBLE UPDATE................



HAPPY READING.......................



Manik dove towards forest and seeing nandini on the passenger seat with manik made alya jealous. And manan and cavya was continuously talking with each other ignoring evils. This made mukti jealous and every time she listens navya refers manik as brother mukti feels jealous and anger.

Soon they reached to the beginning of the forest manik stops the car and gets down even nandini and cavya too. Seeing them getting down evils too got down

Abhi : what happened why did you stopped the car

Nandini : because we have to walk from here on

Listening nandini evils face turn horrified.

Mukti (rudely) : what I wont walk get me a vehicle

Listening mukti's rude tone on nandini made manik, cabir and navya fume but nandini was calm.

Nandini (calmly) : then you may go to Jannat back

Saying this nandini turned towards forest and started walking.

Cabir : its you guys who insisted on coming with us

Navya : and now bare it

Completing cabir's sentence navya with cabir walked towards nandini.

Manik : don't ever talk with her or anyone from my family with that tone.

Manik warned everyone with a dangerous low voice.

Listening manik everyone nodded as chills passed towards their bodies.

Manik : and one more thing one mistake from you guys I will leave you people here itself I don't even care who you are.

Saying this manik too left in the direction his jaan went.

Evils too stared following manik.

Devils was fast in trekking as they are habitual to this. Evils can't keep their pace same as devils.

Devils was in their own world teasing each other and ignoring evils. This ignorance from them, made evils feel humiliated.

Alya : manik why don't we spend time with each other let these people do their work.

Manik : sorry miss I won't spend time with strangers. I will only spend my time only with my family.

Listening this alya felt humiliated.

Mukti : and who are they to you.

Navya : we are family

Listening navya mukti was jealous and started to hate them.

Abhi : we are his family

Manik : NO you guys are just a mere guest to me. Don't even referrer you guys as my family. Saying this manik moved towards nandini's side and held her hand in his tight grip.

Manan started moving fast right behind them was cavya. They walked nearly 2 hours evils cant keep their pace and they cant even walk more and they stopped there itself.

Soon devils found the wood they want. They tied the red sacred thread to that wood and started to walk back. Leaving the clues where the wood is.

When they are half way back they saw evils panting this made devils to roll their eyes.

Nandini : what happened

Dhruv : nothing we can't walk now

Manik : then you are most welcome to stay in this forest as we are going back to home.

Abhi (shout) : what

Cabir : my poor ears why are you shouting we don't want to disturb the wild animals that are sleeping in this forest now do we.

This made evils to gulp in fear as they didn't know wild animals will be here.

Alya (scared) : wild animals

Manik (casually) : yeah can't you see it's a forest. Come on guys we have to go

Saying this manik held nandini hands tightly and started moving from there with cavya on his right.

Getting scared they too started walking seeing them scared of animals made cabir's mischievous mind got an idea.

 cabir made a lion sound which made them even more scared and started running. Seeing them like that made devils laugh.

Soon they reached to temple to give clues to harsh where the wood is.

When they reached Jannat evils plopped themselves on sofa. Where as manbir sat on other set of sofas.

Seeing evils like that made neyonika and maya worried.

Maya : what happened you look so much tired.

Alya : ha maa we walked nearly 4 hours in the forest.

Mukti (sulking) : what is there in the forest for a mere wood why should we walk that long

Mukti sulkily questioned devils. This made devils frown.


about manan

about devils

about evils

about mukti and alya

about cabir



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