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hey i am back!!!!!!!!!



Soon nandini finished 108 times and every time manik is with nandini he didn't sit in mandapam he went with nandini and came back with nandini and protecting her. They both together pouring water on the idols.

After completion of that manan sat in puja where they started to do abhishekam to idols with five ingredients manik and nandini started abhishekam and after completion of that they both went inside temple and offered their prayers once again.

After that everyone went to jannat and that day passed in a jiffy.

Next day it is the third day of the festival where they do yagnas in temple.

This day again manik and nandini sat beside each other as a couple.

Everyone reached temple where yagam (yagna) is going to take place.

Swamiji : manik and nandini come and sit here.

Swamiji showed a place where they both should sit.

Alya : that is my place to sit

Saying this she grabbed nandini's arms to drag her but even before she drags nandini manik caught her hand tight so that she can't harm nandini.

Manik : and how come it is your place

Alya : because I am your bride

Manik : and who said that

Alya : neyonika ma everyone here knows that

Listening this made manik to glare neyonika and nandini caught manik's hands tight. Seeing the grip on his hand from nandini he gently patted her head with his free hand.

Manik : I am no one's groom and you are definitely not my bride so don't you dare to say that again.

Cabir : hello miss come out of your illusions.

Listening cabir and manik made MM couple with evils frown.

Neyonika : manik....

Manik cuts neyonika in between

Manik : Swamiji let's start the ritual and Mrs. malhotra I will deal with you later.

Listening manik neyonika shivered as she knows he won't accept it and will go to any extent to do what he wants.

Soon the rituals begin before the yagam.

9 priests who came to do this yagam came towards manan and started chanting mantras manan sat with folding their hands in namaskaram posture. two of the priests came forward and started pouring milk on manan. Next, they poured pasupu water (turmeric water) and then kumkuma water (vermillion water). After that they poured water on manan that too which was brought  from the 7 holy rivers.

Priest : amma give new set of clothes to manik and nandini.

Soon ram and priya gave a new set of clothes to manan and blessed them.

Priest : Who is the sister of manik come forward and give them harathi.

Navya and mukti started to go towards manan seeing this Swamiji spoke

Swamiji : neyonika, priya and gayatri amma you three also give harathi to the couple with navya and mukti

Soon they five gave harathi to manan and gayatri, priya and neyonika blessed them throwing akshintalu (turmeric rice grains) on their heads.

Navya took blessings from manan

Priests too blessed them by chanting mantras and throwing akshintalu on manan. Soon manan moved to change.

After changing manan sat in yagam and started doing yagam.

Throwing coconut and 9 types of grains which are tied in a cloth into yagam both completed yagam.

Seeking blessings once again they all left to jannat.


After reaching jannat manik started throwing things on the floor which made nandini sigh and neyonika scared. Manik saw neyonika and came towards her.

Manik : who told you to fix my marriage and why

Neyonika : manik alya liked you so I fixed your marriage with her

Manik : and who are you to fix that did you even consider my feelings or at least did you talk to me

Neyonika : manik I am your mother so I fixed that and alya was best for you

Manik (shout) : you are not my mother and you don't even know me then how can you say that she is best for me

Listening this made neyonika shut

Manik : I already warned you people that not to interfere in my life and again I am warning you this time if you did I wont even see who you are I will ruin you people.

Alya : but manik I love you

Manik : and I hate you. I love only one person in my life that is my jaan.

Saying this manik dragged nandini towards their room. Leaving MM couple with evils in living room everyone left towards their rooms. 


ah i am waiting for some confrontations between gayatri malhotra and neyonika malhotra



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