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hey guys!!!!!!!!!!

Double update today



 The next day it is the fourth day of the festival. Today is radhotsavam. Today is a new day for everyone in jannat except MM couple and evils.

Alya was obsessed with manik and she vowed to go to any extent to get manik. Evils supported alya in this and mukti too vowed to separate manik from his cute little family.

As today is radhotsavam everyone in shankaranarayanapuram gathered in front of the temple where radham (chariot) was being present in which the two idols which was done abhishekam the previous day will be taken to round the village boundary.

The radham (chariot) was decorated beautifully with the idols sitting in an elegant way. Everyone was waiting there pantulu garu (priest) with ram and priya and Swamiji with elder malhotra couple and navya was one side MM couple with evils stood one side and all are waiting.

Getting impatient and irritable raj asked harsh rudely as raj was not at all out with the fact that manik rejected alya in a harsh way.

Raj : what are we waiting for still

Prakash : lets start this festival

Priest : wait we are waiting for...

Pantulu garu (priest) started saying something but cut off by raj and Prakash again.

Prakash : who are you waiting for we are here.

Raj : and no one is greater than us we are malhotra children so start the festival.

Listening raj and Prakash made everyone enraged but they can't do anything as MM couple are guests of their village so they stood calm.

Priest : but manik and nandini are missing without them we can't start

Listening nandini name made MM couple with evils so mad.

Alya : she doesn't need to attend I am malhotra's bride and soon going to the elder daughter-in-law of malhotra's

Raj : yes alya being my daughter-in-law can start this without them.

Listening this villagers were angry and wanted to retort but they still kept calm seeing Swamiji there. Now villagers of shankaranarayanapuram can't keep themselves calm. But they are calm as they know what will happen now.

Pantulu garu (priest) gave a look to Swamiji asking what to do. Swamiji nods his head to do what they asked to do.

So priest started to chant holy mantras before they begin. Giving harathi to radham (chariot) he went aside. Harsh and gayatri broke coconut before radham (chariot) circling 3 times to ward off evil. Ram and priya with MM couple and evils followed.

Everyone stood either side of radham (chariot) with a rope tied to radham (chariot) to drag that. But radham didn't even move an inch from there. Seeing this made MM couple and evils frown.

This went for another 5 minutes. Everyone started to drag the rope with their full strength but couldn't even move the radham (chariot) an inch.

Prakash : abhi see if anything is struck with the radham (chariot)

Abhi checked everything and couldn't find any fault with the radham (chariot)

Abhi : nothing is there dad everything is perfect

Before they could pond on what's happening, they heard the sound of an elephant (Ganesh).

Listening ganesh (elephant) Swamiji blow shankam (conch).

Everyone looks towards other side only to see manik and nandini coming. with cabir on the right side of manik with nandini on left.

Seeing them coming towards radham (chariot) positivity spread throughout the area.

Swamiji saw pantulu garu (priest) is watching them with an indescribable expression.

Swamiji : what happen pantulu garu (priest) looking at them three you froze on your place

Swamiji knowing well asked pantulu garu (priest) with mischievous tone.

Priest : watching them coming like that towards radham (chariot) looks like...

Even before pantulu garu (priest) completes his sentence Swamiji replied.


Listening him pantulu garu (priest) nodded his head vigorously. Listening them made elder malhotra couple and naveli family made smile and was watching them three fondly. But this made MM couple and evils more enraged.

All the villagers watch manan and cabir with a proud look

Soon they came near the radham (chariot)

Priest : you three are late again

Cabir : I am on time they both made me late

Saying this cabir pouted

Nandini : haww Annaya (brother) you made us both late. We are on time

Manik : come on jaan for whom you are explaining this he is always late

Manik complained on cabir

Swamiji : okay enough of your blame game. Go and start the festival.

Nodding their heads first cabir broke the coconut and then gave harathi to radham (chariot).

Now it is the time for manan to break the coconut when manik and nandini took coconut into their hands suddenly there came a snake in front of them and started to climb on manik.

Seeing this everyone was calm as they know that snake is Vasuki and it won't do anything to manik and nandini. 



Double update today



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